Issue - decisions

Multiply Local Investment Plan submission to the Department for Education

01/07/2022 - Multiply Local Investment Plan submission to the Department for Education

a)    The Cabinet Member for Children and Young People approves the submission of the Multiply Investment Plan to the Department for Education to deliver a 3-year adult numeracy programme in Herefordshire; and

b)    The council agrees to act as the accountable body for the Multiply programme within Herefordshire and any associated grant funding awarded by government; and

c)    Authority is delegated to the Director for Children and Young People following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People to determine the final investment plan and submit to the Department For Education; and

d)    Authority is delegated to the Director for Children and Young People and S151 Officer in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children and Young People to undertake any operational decisions required to implement the Multiply programme within Herefordshire.