Issue - decisions
Waste Management Review – Waste Collection
25/11/2021 - Waste Management Review – Waste Collection
a) The Council supports residents to increase recycling by adopting the new waste collection model as outlined in this report with a view to being fully operational in November 2023. This includes:
a. The introduction of a new two weekly garden waste collection service;
b. The introduction of a new weekly food collection service;
c. The adoption of a twin stream recycling service to enable residents to further segregate recyclable materials and;
d. To adopt a three weekly residual collection model.
b) A further report is brought back to Cabinet in July 2022 outlining the capital costs that it will be recommended are added to the council’s 2022/23 capital programme to ensure successful implementation of the preferred model in terms of fleet, waste containers, equipment and depot alterations;
c) A further report is brought back to cabinet in July 2022 detailing service specification and seeking permission to commence the tendering process for the new service
d) Authority is delegated to the Section 151 Officer to take all operational decisions to implement the above recommendations