Issue - decisions

High Needs Budget 2022/23

31/03/2022 - High Needs Budget 2022/23



1.    A balanced high needs budget for 2022/23 having regard to the views of Schools Forum be approved as follows;

a.    Complex needs funding £2,285,745;

b.    Independent special schools £2,920,000;

c.     Special school commissioned places £1,743,000;

d.    Special school top-up funding

                                      i.        Base funding £3,826,000;

                                     ii.        inflation at 6% for tariffs D - F £279,560;

e.    Post-16 top-up funding £1,600,000;

f.      Mainstream school top-up funding

                                      i.         Base funding £2,863,000;

                                     ii.        inflation at 3% on tariffs A - C £135,890;

g.    Nurture provision for 5 primary and 1 secondary schools including outreach, full year costs £372,100;

h.    Autism and Language Units 56 commissioned places at £6,000 each £336,000

i.      Autism and Language units top-up funding

                                      i.        base funding £362,432;

                                     ii.        inflation at 3% £10,873;

j.      Early years top-up funding £150,000;

k.     Pupil Referral Service 50 commissioned places at £500,000;

l.      Pupil Referral Service top-up funding 40 pupils at tariff band D2 £9,338 (less income recovery from schools) net budget  £239,555;

m.   Pupil Referral Service – additional 10 outdoor places at £15,643 i.e. £156,434;

n.    H3 Home, Hospital and Hub top-up funding

                                      i.        Base funding £397,000

                                     ii.        inflation 3% £4,491;

o.    Pupil Referral Unit  additional support for

                                      i.         Phasing out TLR allowances, three years from September 2021 £35,000;

                                     ii.         Temporary split site allowance £38,000;

                                    iii.        Pupil Referral Unit support fund £50,000;

p.    SEN protection scheme for primary and secondary schools with a cap at £158 x NOR   (number of roll at Oct 2021) £517,000;

q.    Teachers Pay Grant allocations

                                      i.        Special schools and PRU 466 places at £660 per place £307,560;

                                     ii.        Central SEN Support services £52,000;

                                    iii.        NI 1.25% levy for 466 places at £100 per place £46,600;

r.     High needs contingency/contribution to reserves £0;

s.     SEN support services including 3% inflation uplift as marked *

                                      i.         Additional Needs Management* £209,863;

                                     ii.        Complex Learning Communications* £114,897;

                                    iii.        Equalities team – inclusion* £271,855;

                                   iv.        Hearing Impaired Team* £419,725;

                                     v.        Managed moves £5,000;

                                   vi.        Business support £73,000;

                                  vii.        DSG Services* £129,677;

                                 viii.        Behaviour Support Service – match schools de-delegation £37,500;


t.      Charges and income

                                      i.        Excluded pupils (AWPU)/ Hospital offset by compensating reduction in PRU top-ups £0;

                                     ii.        Local authority recoupment -£211,508;

                                    iii.        Transfer from schools block -£507,224;

                                   iv.        Transfer from Central services block -£75,000.