Issue - decisions

Revision of Capital Programme Budget for Priority Flood Works

30/09/2021 - Revision of Capital Programme Budget for Priority Flood Works

(a)  the executive response to the recommendations of the general scrutiny committee at appendix 1 be approved, with an amendment that in the response to recommendation (a) the report will be provided to the general scrutiny committee rather than to Council.

(b)  having regard to the recommendations of general scrutiny committee, cabinet recommend to council in year adjustments to the capital programme set out in paragraph 11 below to allow realignment of capital spend to flood repair projects that require the allocation of budget within the programme budget of £4.027m as follows:

Fownhope Landslip Budget reduced from £1.565m to £0.510m

Fownhope Retaining Wall Collapse budget increased from £1m to £1.15m

Unallocated budget of £905k from combined Fownhope budgets remains as contingency for remaining flood works; and

(c)  The Cabinet member for infrastructure and transport is delegated authority (in consultation with the Section 151 officer) to realign the Whitney on Wye and/or the Various Damage site budgets as costs for these works are confirmed.