Issue - decisions

To set out the councils new Integrated Waste Management Strategy and Waste Handling Pilots

29/07/2021 - To set out the councils new Integrated Waste Management Strategy and Waste Handling Pilots



a)    The cabinet authorises the new Integrated Waste Management strategy for Herefordshire, adopts to the new targets within the document  as detailed in Appendix A and authorises the development of a benefits realisation action plan to achieve the agreed targets;


b)    The cabinet authorises the design, development, procurement and implementation of the proposed waste handling pilot schemes and approves the expenditure of up to £1.5m from the council’s waste reserve to progress and implement the schemes;


c)    The cabinet authorises the expenditure of the Section 106 allocation for recycling projects up to the value of £92,000 to progress the proposed waste handling pilot schemes through design, development, procurement and implementation; and


d)    The cabinet authorises the Section 151 officer to take all operational decisions relating to the above recommendations