Issue - decisions

Hereford City Centre Transport Package (HCCTP) - Development of the remaining elements

22/07/2021 - Hereford City Centre Transport Package (HCCTP) - Development of the remaining elements



a)    Cabinet note that the current capital programme allocation of £40.651 million for the Hereford City Centre Transport Package (HCCTP) is now insufficient to complete remaining undelivered projects (transport hub and public realm) in the programme without additional funding

b)    The HCCTP programme be deconstructed into individual projects to enable clearer reporting on each project

c)    That the Chief Executive commissions a South West Audit Partnership (SWAP) audit of the expenditure on the HCCTP programme to understand the cost escalation

d)    The remaining programme funding be allocated to the development of the transport hub project design and consultation and the Interim Director for Economy and Place (in consultation with the Section 151 officer and the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Transport)  is authorised to progress this design and consultation to enable cost certainty to be established and further delivery funding sought and a full climate and ecology impact assessment included at the design stage; and

e)    The public realm projects in the HCCTP be considered in a wider assessment of public realm and sustainable connectivity in the City and delivered as individual projects under the wider strategy ensuring the LEP objectives are delivered. The Interim Director for Economy and Place (in consultation with the Section 151 officer and the Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Transport)  is authorised to progress this work