Issue - decisions
High Needs Budget 2020/21
27/03/2020 - High Needs Budget 2020/21
That: the high needs budget for 2020/21 having regard to the views of the Schools Forum be approved as follows;
(a) Complex needs funding £2,285,745;
(b) Independent special schools £1,100,000;
(c) Special school top-up funding £3,484,650;
(d) Special school commissioned places £1,593,000;
(e) High needs contingency £105,963;
(f) Mainstream school top-up funding £2,087,525;
(g) Nurture provision, from September 2020 £116,667;
(h) Pupil Referral Service to retain income from charges £90,000;
(i) SEN protection scheme for primary and secondary schools £385,000;
(j) H3 Home, Hospital and Hub £382,500;
(k) Autism and Language units top-up funding £286,925;
(l) Pupil Referral Unit support fund £75,000;
(m) Early years top-up funding £175,000;
(n) Autism and Language Units commissioned places £282,000;
(o) Pupil Referral Service top-up funding £376,875
(p) Pupil Referral Service commissioned places at 65 summer term and 50 autumn and spring £562,000;
(q) SEN support services
(i) Additional Needs SEN advisor £203,750;
(ii) Complex Learning Communications £122,550;
(iii) Equalities team –inclusion £232,450;
(iv) Behaviour Outreach – final year £9,000;
(v) Physical & Sensory team £407,500;
(vi) Managed moves £5,000;
(vii) Business support £73,000;
(viii) DSG Services £125,900;
(r) Charges and income
(i) Excluded pupils (AWPU)/ Hospital -£315,000;
(ii) Local authority recoupment -£200,000;
(iii) Transfer from schools block -£300,000;
(iv) Transfer from Central services block -£60,500.