Issue - decisions

Golden Tickets for parents in receipt of Universal Credit for 2 year nursery funding

20/03/2019 - Golden Tickets for parents in receipt of Universal Credit for 2 year nursery funding

To award a ‘Golden Ticket’ to parents of 2 year old children in receipt of universal credit identified through DWP lists.

The scheme would start for children eligible for a 2 year nursery place from September 2019 and run for 12 months in the first instance.

The impact would be evaluated after one year to check on numbers and % increase in take-up of 2 year places

There were 18 children on the last DWP list and this will increase slowly as benefit recipients change to UC. There would potentially be 25-30 on the DWP list in September 2019.

All on the list are eligible when the list first appears but may lose eligibility over time.

To minimize this risk there will be a two week time scale (expiry date) on the Golden Ticket after which time a parent will need to apply online in the usual way.