Issue - decisions

Revenue Budget Strategy 2007/08

16/02/2007 - Revenue Budget Strategy 2007/08


(a)the review of the national context to the Council’s Medium-Term Financial Management Strategy outlined in this report be noted;

(b)              the review of the Herefordshire context to the Council’s Medium-Term Financial Management Strategy outlined in this report be noted;

(c)               the Medium-Term Financial Resource Model included as an appendix to this report updated to reflect Cabinet decisions on 18th January 2007 be endorsed;

(d)              the updated forecast outturn for the revenue budget in 2006/07 be noted with a further update to be included in the next Integrated Performance Report to Cabinet;

(e)              the draft revenue budget for 2007/08 outlined in this report be endorsed;

(f)                the updated forecast outturn for the capital budget in 2006/07 be noted with a further update to be included in the next Integrated Performance Report to Cabinet;

(g)              the Council establishes a corporate strategy on fees and charges as an integral part of the MTFMS when it is updated prior to the start of the next Performance Improvement Cycle;

(h)              the delivery of the benefits resulting from the Invest to Save/Invest to Mitigate proposals is managed using the benefits realisation process developed for Herefordshire Connects;

(i)                 the draft capital programme for 2007/08 outlined in this report be endorsed; and

(j)                 the Strategic Monitoring Committee be invited to consider the content of this report in time for their comments to be incorporated into a further report to Cabinet on 22nd February, 2007.