Committee details

Wye Catchment Nutrient Management Board

Purpose of committee


The Nutrient Management Board will be the responsible body for ensuring the delivery of the Conservation Objectives for the River Wye Special Area of Conservation.  It will provide oversight and direction to all involved in delivering the Nutrient Management Plan.

Terms of reference

1.       The objective of the board is to identify and deliver actions that achieve the phosphorous conservation target of the River Wye SAC.  The primary mechanism for achieving this will be through the delivery of the Nutrient Management Plan.

2.       Board members will be responsible and accountable for the delivery of identified actions for their respective organisations and for identifying and obtaining the necessary resources to deliver the actions.

3.       The board will work together to review contributions across all organisations, working collaboratively to achieve the objectives and ensuring all members understand the issues and work together to resolve them.

4.       The board will review performance and delivery of actions within the plan and take timely corrective action where identified.  The contributions of all organisations will be discussed as a whole.

5.       The Nutrient Management Action Plan will initially be reviewed annually and be subject to regular updates.  The Nutrient Management Plan will be reviewed every 4 years as detailed in the action plan.

6.       The board will be supported by SOG to help inform their decisions. Officers from Statutory Bodies attending the NMB do not have voting rights.

7.       The board will direct the Technical Group where additional actions or evidence is required.

Please note

This is a partnership meeting with its own terms of reference (see above), Herefordshire Council’s Constitution does not regulate how it operates.  Information on the activity of the board prior to March 2022 can be accessed via this link.


  • Merry Albright    Herefordshire Construction Industry Lobby Group
  • Jamie Audsley    Herefordshire Wildlife Trust
  • Liz Bickerton    Bannau Brycheiniog
  • Cllr Jackie Charlton    Powys Council
  • Helen Dale    Country Land and Business Association
  • Nick Day    The Friends of the Lower Wye
  • Simon Evans    The Wye and Usk Foundation
  • Jenny Grubb    Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water
  • James Hitchcock    Radnorshire Wildlife Trust
  • Christine Hugh-Jones    Council for Protection of Rural Wales
  • Georgie Hyde    National Farmers Union
  • Sarah James    Farm Cymru
  • Cllr Catrin Maby    Monmouthshire Council
  • Andrew McRobb    Council for Protection of Rural England
  • Claire Minett    Natural England
  • Councillor Sid Phelps    Forest of Dean District Council
  • Martin Quine    Environment Agency
  • Councillor Elissa Swinglehurst  (Chairperson)  Herefordshire Council
  • Tom Tibbits   
  • Richard Tyler    Save the Wye
  • Martin Williams    Farm Herefordshire

Contact information

Support officer: Henry Merricks-Murgatroyd.
