Agenda item


Erection of one dwelling.


Erection of one dwelling.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mr. Smith, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application.




That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1.         A01 (Time limit for commencement (26 February 2008))


Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2.         B01 (Samples of external materials)


Reason: To ensure that the materials harmonise with the surroundings.


3.         F48 (Details of slab levels)


Reason: In order to define the permission and ensure that the development is of a scale and height appropriate to the site.


4.         The foul drainage from the proposed development shall be discharged to a treatment plant which meets the requirements of British Standard BS 6297: 1983, and which is provided in accordance with the details submitted dated July 2006 (including drawing no 584:01/02A) unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.


Reason:  To provide a satisfactory method of foul drainage and prevent pollution of the water environment.


5.         Any facilities for the storage of oils, fuels or chemicals shall be sited on impervious bases and surrounded by impervious bund walls.  The volume of the bunded compound shall be at least equivalent to the capactity of the tank plus 10%.  If there is multiple tankage, the compound shall be at least equivalent to the capacity of the largest tank, vessel or the combined capacity of interconnected tanks or vessels plus 10%.  All filling points, associated pipework, vents, gauges and sight glasses must be located within the bund or have separate secondary containment.  The drainage system of the bund shall be sealed with no discharge to any watercourse, land or underground strata.  Associated pipework shall be located above ground and protected from accidental damage.  All filling points and tank/vessels overflow pipe outlets shall be detailed to discharge downwards into the bund.


Reason:  To prevent pollution of the water environment.


6.         D03 (Site observation - archaeology)


Reason: To allow the potential archaeological interest of the site to be investigated and recorded.


7.         G04 (Landscaping scheme (general))


Reason: In order to protect the visual amenities of the area.


8.         G05 (Implementation of landscaping scheme (general))


Reason:  In order to protect the visual amenities of the area.


9.         G01 (Details of boundary treatments)


Reason: In the interests of visual amenity and to ensure dwellings have satisfactory privacy.


10.       E16 (Removal of permitted development rights)


Reason:  To protect the amenities of neighbours.


11.       F18 (Scheme of foul drainage disposal )


Reason: In order to ensure that satisfactory drainage arrangements are provided.


12.       H03 (Visibility splays)


Reason: In the interests of highway safety.


13.       H05 (Access gates)


Reason: In the interests of highway safety.


14.       H06 (Vehicular access construction)


Reason: In the interests of highway safety.


15.       H12 (Parking and turning - single house)


Reason: In the interests of highway safety and to ensure the free flow of traffic using the adjoining highway.




1.         HN01 - Mud on highway


2.         HN05 - Works within the highway


3.         HN10 - No drainage to discharge to highway


4.         HN22 - Works adjoining highway


5.         The Environment Agency recommends that run-off should be controlled as near to its source as possible through a sustainable drainage approach to surface water management (SUDS).


6.         The Environment Agency advises that the proposed dwelling lies at the edge of Flood Zone 3 and recommends that floor levels be set 600 mm above the highest recorded flood level or existing floor level.


7.         A discharge consent under the Water Resources Act 1991 may be required from the Environment Agency (contact Wye Environment Management Team, 02920 582729).


8.            Environment Agency advises that pollution prevention measures should be incorporated to protect ground and surface water.


9.         N19 - Avoidance of doubt


10.       N15 - Reason(s) for the Grant of Planning Permission

Supporting documents: