Agenda item


To update the Committee on “Staying Safe” improvements since the Joint Area Review and to advise on the criminal record policy and practice locally; and


To provide an opportunity for checking on progress on the Joint Area Review (JAR) Improvement Plan and to confirm best practice on criminal record checks.


The Committee received an update on ‘Staying Safe’ improvements since the Joint Area Review (JAR) and were advised on the criminal record policy and practice locally.  The Committee commented on progress on the JAR improvement plan and best practice procedures for criminal records checks.


The Director of Children’s Services reported that the JAR action plan, considered by Cabinet on 30th March, appended to the agenda report, was being revised to ensure that it was more focused for managers and staff and that the DfES was content that it was more robust.  The latest progress against the JAR action plan (as at 19.5.05) was also appended to the report.  A final response to the Action Plan was expected from the Social Care Inspectorate and DfES.  However, the Director commented that the feedback received from them so far indicated that progress had been made and that the Service was unlikely to be subject to intervention.  The Service may, however, be subject to assistance in maintaining ‘sustained improvement’.


During the course of debate the following principal points were noted:


  • The Committee would be kept up to date with the JAR Action Plan.  The final JAR Action Plan would be included in the Council’s Annual Performance Assessment.
  • Responding to questions on JAR recommendation 6 (concerning staff training/implementation of Child Concern Model) a local network of multidisciplinary ‘consultants’ had worked on revising the Child Concern Model and were available to advise e.g. schools, on issues of concern.  A team of lead consultants were available to fast-track issues of concern and provide training.
  • Baseline data would be established.  Success would be measured by reference to newly set targets, determined by reference to the revised threshold criteria, for a number of key performance indicators.  Performance would be reported to Committee at appropriate stages.
  • While acknowledging that improvements had been made in Housing Services, including undertaking increased levels of mediation work (JAR recommendation 16 – improve housing provision for both single young people and families) concern was expressed in relation to the welfare of children in homelessness families. 
  • Responding to concerns over transition planning for all young people with learning difficulties and disabilities and the Committee’s wish to see a comprehensive approach to the issue, the Director of Children’s Services reported that this issue was part of a scrutiny review being undertaken by the Adult Social Care and Strategic Housing Scrutiny Committee.  The Committee would be kept informed of progress with the review.
  • All objectives in plans and strategies would be cascaded down to staff through the Staff Review and Development programme and, for this year, through the Directorate Plan.




a)            the report and progress detailed in the JAR Improvement Action Plan and Summary Progress Report (date: 19.05.06) be noted;


b)           the Director of Children’s Services convey to the Cabinet Member (Children and Young People) the Committee’s concern regarding suitable housing for young people and young people and families experiencing homelessness; and


c)            the Committee be kept informed of progress with the transition planning aspect of the scrutiny review being undertaken by the Adult Social Care and Strategic Housing Scrutiny Committee of Services for people with a learning disability.

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