Agenda item

DCCE2006/0765/F - Unit 4, Whitestone Business Park, Whitestone, Hereford, HR1 3SE [AGENDA ITEM 14]

Change of use from B1 light industrial to mixed use comprising a retail showroom, storage and offices.


Change of use from B1 light industrial to mixed use comprising a retail showroom, storage and offices.


The Principal Planning Officer reported that the Head of Economic Development had raised objections to the application due to the potential loss of industrial use.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mr. Collins spoke in support of the application.


Councillor R.M. Wilson, the Local Ward Member, felt that the application should be supported.  He commented that the Business Park had not been successful in attracting B1 light industrial companies to the site and expressed the view that the design and installation elements of Elite Bathrooms and Tiles could be interpreted as employment uses in accordance with the Council’s policies.  Comparisons were made between this operation and Browns Furniture, located on the same Business Park, which also incorporated retail sales.  He stressed the differences between Elite Bathrooms and Tiles and typical large-scale retail warehousing operations.  He felt that the highways network had capacity for the proposed change of use and that there were positive benefits in terms of reducing traffic and parking congestion in Hereford City.  He noted that the applicants had stated that the business already employed 17 people and this was expected to increase.  He questioned whether the applicant’s suggestion regarding a personal permission would be viable.


A number of Members concurred with the Local Ward Member’s views and comments were made about the need to support local businesses.  Some noted the difficulties being experienced in the industrial sector and felt that there was a need to react to changing circumstances.  However, as an additional measure of control, it was proposed that a restriction be imposed on the types of goods to be sold.


The Development Control Manager explained the planning policy objections and the differences between the use classes.  He commented that there was no intrinsic reason why this retail use should be located within this established employment area.  The Sub-Committee was advised that the question was whether this use was acceptable in this location and, therefore, a personal permission would not necessarily provide any additional safeguards.


In response to comments by Members, the Principal Planning Officer advised that: the suggestion of a personal permission had come from the applicant; ancillary retail usage was normally defined as 10% of the gross floor area; many retail outlets offered design and fitting functions but this was an ancillary service; and the showroom area at Browns Antiques was ancillary to the primary use of the building which was for general and light industrial purposes.


It was suggested that the Local Ward Member be consulted on discussions to define the types of goods permitted.




That    (i) The Central Area Planning Sub-Committee is minded to approve the application subject to conditions felt to be necessary by the Development Control Manager, in consultation with the Local Ward Member, provided that the Development Control Manager does not refer the application to the Planning Committee.


(ii)         If the Development Control Manager does not refer the application to the Planning Committee, Officers named in the Scheme of Delegation to Officers be instructed to approve the application subject to such conditions referred to above.


[Note: Following the vote on this application, the Development Control Manager advised that he was minded to refer the application to the Planning Committee.]

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