Agenda item

DCCW2006/0869/F - Tesco Stores Ltd, Abbotsmead Road, Belmont, Hereford, HR2 7XS [AGENDA ITEM 11]

Variation of condition 8 of planning permission DCCW2004/1679/F to allow for operations on Sundays between 9.00am and 4.30pm.


Variation of condition 8 of planning permission DCCW2004/1679/F to allow for operations on Sundays between 9.00am and 4.30pm.


The Principal Planning Officer reported the receipt of a further letter of objection and summarised the concerns raised.  He proposed an amendment to the recommendation in order to clarify the operating hours.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mr. Robinson spoke on behalf of Belmont Rural Parish Council.


Councillor J.W. Newman, a Local Ward Member, noted concerns about alleged breaches of planning conditions by the applicant.  He felt that the amenities of local residents should be protected and the proposal to increase activity should be resisted.


Councillor P.J. Edwards, also a Local Ward Member, commented on problems with noise emanating from the area and stressed the need for the applicant to properly manage the site and comply with the conditions imposed.  He felt that emphasis should be given to conditions 3 and 4 in order to protect residential amenities.  The Principal Planning Officer reported that a letter had been received from the applicant which outlined the measures being undertaken to mitigate the impact of the operation.


Noting the concerns of the Local Ward Members, Councillor D.B. Wilcox proposed that a twelve-month temporary permission be granted to enable the impact of the proposal to be fully assessed.  A number of Members spoke in support of this suggestion.


Councillor Edwards suggested that the gate should be constructed of a solid, complete material in order to assist with noise attenuation and be finished in a paint that would be proof against graffiti.




That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1.               This consent shall expire on 3 May 2007. Unless further consent is granted in writing by the local planning authority prior to the end of that period, the use hereby approved shall permanently cease.


Reason: To enable the local planning authority to give further consideration of the acceptability of the proposed use after the temporary period has expired.


2.      No machinery shall be operated or delivery vehicles loaded in association with the deliveries before 7am or after 11pm on weekdays and Saturdays or outside the hours of 9am - 4.30pm on a Sunday or at any times on Bank or Public Holidays.


         Reason: In order to protect the residential amenity of the area.


3.      On a Sunday, no delivery vehicles shall enter or leave the premises outside the hours of 11am-4pm.


         Reason: In order to protect the residential amenity of the area.


4.      No Sunday operation of the delivery service shall be carried out until full details of the gate proposed in the Environmental Noise Assessment received on 14th March, 2006 have been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority and subsequently installed.  The approved gate shall thereafter be permanently maintained.


         Reason: In order to protect the residential amenity of the area.


5.      All access to the service area on Sundays shall be via the Abbotsmead Road access which shall not be open until 11am and thereafter shall be kept closed at all times other than to allow the immediate entry and exit of delivery vehicles and unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.


         Reason: In order to protect the residential amenity of the area.




1.      For the avoidance of doubt the term delivery service refers to the internet home shopping and delivery service operated by the applicant.


2.      N15 – Reason(s) for the Grant of Planning Permission.

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