Agenda item

Update to the Board on the Best Start in Life Action Plan

To provide an update on the progress of the action plan for the Board’s strategic priority of “Best Start In Life”.


The Public Health Lead - CYP and Sexual Health provided an update on progress of the action plan for the board’s strategic priority of ‘best start in life’, the principal points included:


i.             Attention was drawn to the Implementation Plan 2023-25 (Appendix 1) which identified the Red, Amber, Green status for each action.


ii.            Following the recommissioning of the Public Health Nursing Service, the 0-19 service was represented at each Primary Care Network (PCN) partnership board, reflecting ongoing work to establish an integrated approach.


iii.          To support oral health, two new NHS dental practices had been secured (one had opened in Commercial Street, Hereford and the other was in development at Saxon Hall, Hereford), a tooth-brushing programme continued to roll out to 43 education settings, and 4-6 month oral health and weaning workshops were being delivered in localities.


iv.          It was reported that there were challenges to be explored through the Children and Young People Partnership Board in relation to the development of a cross-sector dashboard and with ensuring that the voices of families and children were incorporated across actions and plans.


v.           It was also reported that the action to ‘broaden the early help / start for life offer within the community’ was Red rated pending the outcome of a Talk Community review.


Comments from board members included:


1.           The Chairperson welcomed the new dental practices but emphasised the need to improve access in the rural areas, potentially through mobile dental services.


Later in the discussion, the Cabinet Member Children and Young People questioned whether the new dental practices provided all the capacity that was needed.


Simon Trickett confirmed that it was the Integrated Care Board’s role to commission dental services, acknowledged that the two new dental practices were a start from a low base, and said that creative solutions were needed, especially given the needs of rural populations.


2.           In response to point made by the Leader of the Council about the importance of a healthy diet for oral and general health, it was confirmed that the tooth-brushing programme promoted healthy eating, and an overview was provided of the healthy schools and healthy tots programmes.


3.           Further to point v., the Chairperson questioned the reasoning for any delays associated with the Talk Community review given the continuation of existing hubs.  The Corporate Director Community Wellbeing said that the matter related to early help services and this point would be raised with the Corporate Director Children and Young People.


4.           Further to point iv, the Cabinet Member Children and Young People noted the opportunity for detailed focus and discussion on the challenges through the Children and Young People Partnership Board, and partners were encouraged to explore the issues within their respective organisations.


5.           The Vice-Chairperson commented on the positive feedback about the health visiting service, the potential to be more ambitious with the board’s strategic priorities by involving all sectors in the county, and the linkages between the ‘best start in life’ and ‘good mental wellbeing throughout life’ priorities.


The Public Health Lead - CYP and Sexual Health said that a children and young people survey had taken place during the summer which would provide intelligence on a broad range of issues.


Sue Harris commented on continued investment into children and young people’s mental health and the need for engagement through the Children and Young People Partnership Board on mental health.


Resolved:  That


a)      The report and updated action plan and progress to date be noted; and


b)      All partnership organisations be encouraged to be sighted on the implementation plan and to reference it across their own strategies and plans.

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