Agenda item

Application to Grant a Premises Licence in respect of Parkfields, Pontshill, Ross-on-Wye, HR9 5TH - Licensing Act 2003

To consider an application for a grant of a premises licence in respect of Parkfields, Pontshill, Ross-on-Wye, HR9 5TH under the Licensing Act 2003.


Members of the licensing Sub-Committee from the Council’s Planning and Regulatory Committee considered the above application, full details of which appeared before the members in their agenda, and the supplementary information published on 14 June 2024.

Prior to making its decision the Council’s Licensing Officer presented the report which outlined the options available to the Sub-Committee. One representation was received from the Responsible Authorities; Trading Standards – who requested conditions which were agreed with the applicant. Fourteen relevant public representations had been received. The Licensing Officer summarised the application, provided an overview of the representations received and outlined the licensing history relating to the licensing of the site.

The Sub-Committee heard from the public representatives that:

·       It was acknowledged that the application had been modified and was more reasonable but concerns remained over the impact on localresidents.

·       Previous applications for the premises had set aprecedent.

·       There was concern over the impact of amplified music and noise levels from the venue on localresidents.

·       Music and noise from the venue. A recent festival, over 2 miles away had been heard in the houses of local residents with windowsclosed.

·       The applicant needed to mitigate the impact of the venue especially on the licensing objectives of the prevention of public nuisance and publicsafety.

·       Noise posed the risk of causing a public nuisance and measures needed to be implemented by the applicant to attenuate itsimpact.

·       There were concerns with public safety involving the potential for drink driving from the venue and the applicant would need to seek to mitigate suchrisk.

·       There was concern that guests would socialise externally and create a noise nuisance on localresidents.

·       Local residents are largely retired and would be unduly affected by noise and in warmer weather would be unable to have windows open with warmerweather.

·       The application would have a significant impact on a peaceful, ruralsetting.

·       Over 20 complaints had been raised regarding the application but due to the nature of the hearing a number a local residents had not been able toparticipate.

·       There was concern regarding the impact of the application on a local holiday letsbusiness.

·       There had been an experience of problems with previous owners; noise and nuisance behaviour. A number of complaints had been raised but did not appear to have been recorded.

·       There were concerns regarding noise late at night from intoxicated attendees to the premises and the impact on mental health of noisenuisance.

·       There was concern that the application would provide the possibility of music to be played 365 days a year inside oroutside.

·       The local setting in a valley would amplify and reverberate noise.

The Sub-Committee then heard from the applicant’s representativethat:

·       It was intended that the venue would be the new home of LeadershipTrust

·       The key objective for venue was to host high-end, residential corporate events for up to 30 people.

·       The venue would cater for high end corporate events and also occasional community events.

·       The application may be perceived as causing nuisance but the nature of the events are unlikely to causeproblems.

·       On some occasions there will be live music but this would not beregular.

·       Previously the venue had been for weddings. Now the new premises would be for corporate events.

·       There was not an intention to have large parties; the nature of the property was not suitable for suchevents.

·       The events at the venue would take account of the local setting and the listedbuilding.

·       Over the previous seven months there had been no issues with the eventsheld.

·       The venue would be residential and provide overnight stays so there would be no late night disturbance with guests arriving andleaving.


Following questioning by the Sub-Committee it was confirmed that:


·       Events such as weddings would not take place. There would be occasional events such as parties but these would not beregular.


The Sub-Committee carefully considered all the representations, reports and evidence before them. They have had regard to their duties under S4 of the Licensing Act and considered guidance issued unders182 ofthe LicensingAct 2003and HerefordshireCouncil’s Statementof LicensingPolicy 2020

- 2025.



The Sub-Committee’s decision is to approve the application as amended.



The Sub-Committee has taken into account the detailed representations and information presented to the hearing and fully recognises the concerns raised by the local residents and the reasons why the representations were made. The Sub-Committee can only consider those representations that relate to one or more of the licensing objectives.

The Sub-Committee notes that the Trading Standards Department made a representation which was accepted by the applicant. No further representations were received from the responsibleauthorities, which includes West Mercia Police and Environmental Protection – who deal with noise nuisance.

The Sub-Committee notes that concerns have been raised by members of the local community in relation to noise emanating from the venue causing disturbance to local residents, potential for residents of the premises causing disruption within the community and the impact on the local area generally.

The Sub-Committee notes the submission made by Ms Williams in support of the premises licence application and the measures that are being taken to mitigate any potential impact on the local area.

The Sub-Committee considers that the application made is comprehensive and will promote the licensing objectives.

The Sub-Committee would strongly advise that should the premises licence conditions not be complied with, that the residents inform Herefordshire Council Environmental Health and Licensing Department as well as the other appropriate Responsible Authorities so that concerns are properly documented as soon as practicable.


Supporting documents: