Agenda item


To receive the report and to consider any recommendations to Council arising from the meetings held on 19th May, 9th and 23rd June and 14th July, 2005.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor R.J. Phillips, presented the report of the meetings of Cabinet held on 19th May, 9th and 23rd June and 14th July, 2005.


In relation to Item 1.2 - Herefordshire Provisional Local Transport Plan (LTP) 2006/07-2010/11 – the Leader and Cabinet Member (Highways and Transportation) responded to a number of queries as follows.


Road Safety – The Leader reminded Council that the A49 was the responsibility of the Highways Agency and that the Council was in constant dialogue with them over issues of road safety which remained a matter of great concern to the Council.  The next meeting involving the Highways Agency, the Cabinet Member (Highways and Transportation) and Council officers was due to take place in September.  The Cabinet Member confirmed that issues important to the Council were discussed at these meetings.  He also confirmed that the reduction of road traffic accidents was an important LPSA target and, although the numbers were reducing, the Council needed to maintain its focus and also involve its partner organisations in improving the situation.


Increased Air Pollution at Bargates, Leominster due to the new Business Park and proposed additional housing at Baron's Cross – The Leader advised that the key aims of the LTP included improved accessibility, safer roads, reduced congestion and better air quality but that the Council needed to be realistic in what it could achieve with the resources available.  The Cabinet Member (Highways and Transportation) confirmed that the need for improvements to the air quality at the Bargates was now included in the Plan.


Speed Limit Policy – The Leader acknowledged that the number of road accidents in the County continued to be a concern, but confirmed that there had been some improvement at identified accident black-spots.  He spoke of the work being undertaken with the Police and Highways Agency to educate drivers of the dangers and the necessity to drive at a safe speed.  The Cabinet Member (Highways and Transportation) acknowledged that there was a problem with the weight and speed of vehicles using 'rat-runs' and although there was a long-term programme to deal with problems around the A465 and A49 these would not be solved in the immediate future.


Vehicles in High Town, Hereford – Councillor Wilcox, the Cabinet Member (Highways and Transportation) said he was investigating the implementation of the necessary road order to improve the situation.


Proliferation of Road Signs – He said that the Council was obliged to comply with the statutory requirements of the Department of Transport.


Extension of the Roman Road – It was confirmed that the need for an extension of the Roman Road west and improvements to the eastern skew bridge was now included in the Plan.


In relation to Item 4.1(i) Social Care Budget – In response to a number of comments and queries the Leader stated that the case had already been made for extra investment in Social Care and thanked those Members who had supported the extra investment in the service.  He said he was continuing to lobby Government to take account of the 2001 census figures and not the 1991 figures which clearly disadvantaged Herefordshire with its disproportionate aging population.  With regard to the disaggregation of the Children's Budget, he commented that while it was easy to lay down legislation to separate the Children's and Adults' Social Care services it was not so easy to divide the budget due to the complexity of the issues involved.  He spoke of the concerns over the demands on the Learning Disabilities budget and the underlying trend in Adult Social Care.  He acknowledged that severe winter weather would cause additional pressure on the budget which needed to be managed as one of the Council's corporate priorities.


In relation to Items 4.1(xii) and 4.2(iv) – Herefordshire Jarvis Services (HJS) – In response to a number of queries the Leader confirmed that the losses incurred by HJS would not be met by the Council-Tax payers of Herefordshire.  The contract with Jarvis provided that the Council would not be responsible for any losses or charges for the first 10 years of operation.  However, the Council would be entitled a share of any profit made by the company.  This was in contrast to the previous situation with Herefordshire Commercial Services whose losses did need to be met by the Council.  He spoke of the national difficulties of the parent company and welcomed the transfer of shares to Accord. 


He praised HJS for the significant improvements it had made in delivering services and advised that the interests of local subcontractors were being protected and that, after from a few initial difficulties, all invoices were being paid on time.


In relation to Item 5.1(v) – Review of Denominational Transport – Councillor Rule, the Cabinet Member (Children's Services) was congratulated for his sensitive handling of this issue and for taking account of the Scrutiny Committee's views when formulating the new policy.  However, there were still some concerns that large or low income families would be denied access to their preferred schools, whether on denominational or other grounds.  Councillor Rule reminded Council that the Government was preparing a paper on Home to School transport as part of the new Education Act.  He said there was an opportunity to develop a pilot scheme in the County and although there were many suggests for not-for-profit schemes these would need separate Government funding.  He confirmed that those families in receipt of full housing benefit and council tax benefit would be entitled to free transport for denominational reasons.


The Leader announced that Councillors Mrs. A. Gray and Mrs. J. Hyde had been nominated to assist the Cabinet Member with his portfolio.


In relation to Item 6.1(i) – Destination Herefordshire - In response to a number of comments and queries the Leader and Cabinet Member (Community Services) responded as follows:


Both agreed that Destination Herefordshire would bring together public and private sector organisations for the benefit of residents, businesses and visitors and acknowledged the importance of both the river and the livestock market to tourism in the County.


Councillor Stockton repeated his earlier advice that that Council would not be able to provide a skatepark for Hereford City but would be willing assist other bodies that may be in a position to do so.


The Leader asked Councillor Hunt, the Council's representative on the West Mercia Police Authority to investigate whether licensing regulations which affected events such as town and village carnivals, festivals and fetes were being too strictly applied and whether it would be possible to ease the burden for the organisers of these events.


In relation to Item 7.1(vii) – Members' ICT Policy – In response to a query on information about licensing applications Councillor Mrs. J.P. French, Cabinet Member (Corporate and Customer Services and Human Resources) advised that the policy was concerned with the provision of equipment and the sending and receiving of information.  It was for officers and Members to decide what information was included.


Councillor P.J. Edwards, Cabinet Member (Environment) reminded Council of his previous answer relating to this issue and the scale of the task involved in informing all Members of every application within or close to their ward.  In response to a further question the Leader acknowledged that he was aware of the cramped accommodation the licensing staff were working in and that there were plans for improvements.  He also said that he had written to the local MPs about his concerns about the burden not just to Council staff but also to the individual licensees.


In relation to Item 9.1(ii) - Grafton Travellers' Site - In response to a query Councillor Edwards, the Cabinet Member (Environment) said he could not give an absolute assurance that the site would have CCTV and 24 hour warden control.  He said that the grant did not provide for either of these services.  He said that the Council would be creating the best possible site for the travelling community at their preferred location and he was confident that the families themselves would wish to maintain the site to a good standard with appropriate assistance from Council officers.  In response to a further question he stated that there were plans for an additional transit site for families who did not wish to live on a permanent site.


In relation to Items 13.1(ii) and 13.1(vii) - Homelessness Budget and Improvement Plan - The Leader responded to a number of comments and queries.  He said that the additional funding, agreed by Cabinet, would take the pressure off the budget and that a clear plan for dealing with the problem had been approved.  He spoke of the need for investment in preventative measures.  He said he would welcome the involvement of the Scrutiny Committee in dealing with this difficult issue.


In relation to Item 13.1(v) - Joint Team with the Pension Service - In response to a query about Council Partnerships and the temporary reduction in the 'ABLE' service in particular, the Leader advised that the Government required Councils to avoid duplication and to make best use of public money.


RESOLVED:  That the reports from the meetings of Cabinet held on 19th May, 9th and 23rd June and 14th July, 2005 be received and the recommendations set out below be adopted:


That    (a)            the Youth Justice Plan be approved;

(b)               the Provisional Local Transport Plan 2006/07-2010/11 be approved for submission to Government, and that minor editorial changes to the draft be delegated to officers with any significant changes being subject to the approval of the Director following consultation wit the Cabinet Member (Highways and Transportation);

(c)        the current level of minimum prudent reserves be maintained at £3,000,000 and continues to be reviewed annually as part of the budget process.  The level of balances will continue to be assessed and influenced by the formal risk management process, which includes the corporate and service risk logs and the nature of council expenditure.

(d)       general balances be maintained at a level between 1½% and 3% of net revenue budget.

(e)       in line with current practice, general balances be utilised in support of one-off, non-recurring items of expenditure rather than for recurring expenditure.

(f)        notwithstanding the above, reserves be only utilised in exceptional circumstances, to mitigate increases in Council Tax.

(g)       the application of reserves, amounting to £175,000, to meet exceptional property related expenditure, primarily as a consequence of dilapidation works and other costs associated with rationalising the Council’s office accommodation.

(h)       the establishment of a new provision in 2004/05, amounting to £108,000, in respect of the likely repayment of European Social Fund Grant to the Learning and Skills Council in respect of project work for disaffected pupils.

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