Agenda item


The erection of two dwellings and associated works.


Application refused, contrary to the case officer’s recommendation.


Councillor Elizabeth Foxton left the committee to act as the local ward member for the application below.


The Senior Planning Officer provided a presentation on the application and the updates/representations received following the publication of the agenda, as provided in the update sheet and appended to these minutes.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking Mr Milln spoke on behalf of Hereford City Council and Mr Tompkins, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application.


In accordance with the council’s constitution the local ward member spoke on the application. In summary, she explained that the application site was located in a densely populated area that experienced significant traffic congestion. The proposed houses would be situated opposite three retail units with a high level of pedestrians and traffic. Accident data showed that there had been three accidents involving cars ion the local area recently. The application was contrary to core policy MT1 due to the impact on highway safety posed by the proposed driveways emerging onto a busy pedestrian and traffic area. Due to the adverse impact posed by the application on the safety of local residents the proposed developments were contrary to core strategy policies SS4, OS1, OS2, OS3 and SC1. The site had been the subject of two previous applications which had been refused and which had been upheld on appeal. The proposed houses on the site represented overcrowding and overdevelopment. The proposed properties would be in very close proximity to each other and existing, neighbouring houses. There was concern that the distance between properties could have an adverse impact upon access for the emergency services. Due to the limited space on the application site cars could not manoeuver safely, impacting adversely upon highway safety, and demonstrating that the site was not big enough for the proposed houses.


The committee debated the application. There was division among members of the committee.


There was support for the officer recommendation of approval among some members of the committee. The proposed development provided two off street parking places and was in a busy urban area; the addition of two households would not pose a significant impact on local infrastructure. The scale and density of development on the site was accepted as it was consistent with the nature of the local area.


There were objections to the application among other members of the committee who considered that:


-        The density of housing on the application site which represented over development of a restricted site. The proposed development was in very close proximity to neighbouring properties which posed an unacceptable impact upon residential. The constrained nature of the application site and the density of development would result in properties being overlooked and an absence of outdoor space which would result in adverse living conditions for residents in the new properties and the existing, neighbouring houses. The proposals was contrary to Policies SD1, LD1 and SS6 of the Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy and the National Planning Policy Framework;

-        Technical problems existed with the application including the location of the proposed properties in proximity to the main sewer;

-        The application could not achieve the required visibility splays from the driveways which posed an adverse effect upon highway safety. Pedestrians and children using the pavement in front of the proposed development would be at risk from traffic emerging from the site;


The Highways Advisor provided a point of clarification to confirm that accident data in the vicinity of the application site demonstrated that there had been three slight accidents in the previous three years and there were no obvious trends in the reported incidents.


The Development Management Service Manager provided a point of clarification to confirm that during the planning inspectorate’s consideration of the previous appeals concerning the site the refusals were not upheld on the basis of highways matters.


The local ward member was given the opportunity to closer the debate.


Councillor Bruce Baker proposed the approval of the application in accordance with the with the case officer’s recommendation. The proposal was not seconded and not moved.


Councillor Polly Andrews proposed and Councillor Richard Thomas seconded the refusal of the application due to the unacceptable impact on residential amenity and adverse living conditions posed by the application, contrary to core strategy policy SD1, posed by: the density of development and the overcrowding of housing on the site; the limited outdoor space in the curtilage of the application site; and the proximity of proposed buildings to existing, neighbouring properties. The motion was put to the vote and was carried by a simple majority.


RESOLVED: That planning permission is refused due to the unacceptable impact on residential amenity and the adverse living conditions posed by the application, contrary to core strategy policies SD1, LD1 and SS6 of the Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy and the National Planning Policy Framework posed by: the density of development and the overcrowding of housing on the site; the limited outdoor space in the curtilage of the application site; and the proximity of proposed buildings to existing, neighbouring properties.



Councillor Elizabeth Foxton resumed her seat on the committee.


Councillor Polly Andrews left the committee to act as the local ward member for the application below.


Supporting documents: