Agenda item

Herefordshire All Age Carers Strategy 2024-2029

The purpose of this report is to seek approval of the Herefordshire All Age Carers Strategy 2024-2029



The cabinet member for adults, health and wellbeing introduced the report and highlighted that in September 2023 work began to review and update the unpaid carers strategy.  In 2021 census identified just under 17,000 unpaid carers across Herefordshire but the actual number is likely greater.  A working group was formed in September with membership from a wide range of groups and organisations that support carers as well as individuals with lived experiences.  Between October and May there has been series of engagement events and all member briefing was held. 


It was noted that the All Age Carer Strategy identified 6 areas to focus (1) value and recognition, (2) young carers, (3) assessment and support, (4) technology enabled care, (5) staying healthy, (6) information and resources.


In May 2024 a coproduction event took place and the priorities were discussed by attendees and feedback was provided which was incorporated into the final version of the strategy.  The vision strategy was also agreed as ‘Herefordshire is a carer friendly County where carers of all ages are recognised, valued, heard and enabled to live a healthy fulfilling family life’. 


There were comments from Cabinet members. The reference to young carers and young adult carers was welcomed and noted it provides a good opportunity to better understand all caring that is delivered.  Also, to ensure young carers are able to engage with education and it provides the opportunity to have conversations with primary schools.  It was noted that young carers face challenges and an Early Help officer in the Council had queried how young carers could be supported with free bus travel for shopping, attending health appointments and accessing young carers groups.  Also, how young carers could be supported to engage in activities.  It was queried how young carers will be supported in practice in the context of the strategy overall.   It was confirmed that an action to deliver this strategy is being put in place and its objectives are being drafted, this will form the work plan for the partnership board which will be established once the strategy is approved.  It was recognised that young carers face particular challenges and specific actions will be incorporated to support them based on the feedback received during the strategy consultation.  It was confirmed that this will include admission to various venues and transport concessions.  It was raised by the Leader if a child friendly document of this strategy would be produced for young carers and it was confirmed a more child friendly document would be provided.   


Group leaders gave the views of their groups. The delivery of this strategy was welcomed and the fact it is an all age carers strategy was positive, particularly that the strategy identified the impact on young carers. It was noted that the holistic approach to families was welcomed and the need for targeted support through the Early Help service. It was noted that the Carers Partnership Board will hopefully assist in coordination. 


Concern was raised regarding the strategy’s implementation and financial support, alongside ensuring engagement with the voluntary sector, health care and ICB.  It was noted there has been a reduction in the support available for young carers in market towns.  It was queried how navigation of the DWP system for carers will be supported and concern was raised regarding the number of disabled carers and whether they were receiving the correct support.  It was also raised what the availability, affordability and support for new technology will look like.  It was raised that a map showing voluntary support group locations alongside the locations of unpaid carers would be beneficial to understand how well connected the support for carers was in the County.  It was noted that monitoring of the annual work plan was required to ensure key actions are implemented and additional input from Health and Wellbeing and Children Scrutiny committees would be welcomed. Respite was queried for the carer and who would replace the unpaid carer.


In response to the queries it was noted that the DWP will be looked into and there are adult advanced practitioners from the Adult Safeguarding Chairs network whose regional representative could be contacted to assist with the DWP.  


Regarding the map, it was confirmed there is information about the voluntary sector organisations known but acknowledged there may be more groups.  It was confirmed that this will be looked at and also engage with Talk Community to help provide information about the communities they are working in. 


In respect of respite, where the care assessment is conducted respite is included within this.


Scrutiny committees’ engagement will be welcomed, it was noted that scrutiny engagement on the action plan would be more useful and requested the statutory scrutiny officer refer this to the scrutiny committees. 


It was unanimously resolved that:


a)     Approves the Herefordshire All Age Carers Strategy 2024-2029


b)     Delegated authority be given to the Corporate Director for Community Wellbeing and the Corporate Director for Children and Young People to take all operational decisions, as set out within this report and appendices, that fall within the responsibility of Herefordshire Council.


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