Agenda item


Proposed demolition of existing buildings on site and erection of Retirement Living apartments with associated access, car parking, landscaping, ancillary facilities, and associated works.


Application refused contrary to the case officer’s recommendation.


The principal planning officer gave a presentation on the application.

In accordance with the criteria for public speaking Mr Howells spoke on behalf of Ledbury Town Council, Dr Lloyd, local resident, spoke in objection to the application and Ms Clare, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support.

In accordance with the council's constitution the local ward member spoke on the application. The proposed application site was unusual and special in planning terms and was of historic importance. It was a designated green space in the Ledbury NDP. The developer had been made aware of the designation at an early stage in the drafting of the NDP. The site was not accessible by members of the public and was a refuge for wildlife and biodiversity. The application site in its current form was important to the town of Ledbury which had relatively few green spaces. Surface water drainage from the site would enter the river Leadon. The river had already suffered from flooding and the town of Ledbury experienced problems with flash water flooding; the proposed development would add further to impermeable surface locally. Objections concerned with the application included the scale of the development; the ridge heights were felt to be too high. The density of housing on the site was excessive and there were highway safety concerns regarding the site access. There was also concern that there was no provision in the application for affordable housing and there would be no section 106 monies from the site; neither had been assessed as financially viable in the viability assessment for the applicant.

The committee debated the application. During the course of the application the principal points below were raised:

- the historic importance of the application site and the existing house on the site; the retention of this historic element of Ledbury outweighed the benefits that were proposed in the application. This was consistent with policy CL2.1 (j) of the Ledbury NDP.
- the importance of the application site as a green space in Ledbury providing for wildlife and biodiversity conservation locally. The retention of the green space to provide a wildlife corridor or stepping-stone within the built-up area of Ledbury outweighed the benefits proposed in the application. This was consistent with policy CL2.1 (h) of the Ledbury NDP.
- the site access was narrow and onto a busy main road. There were highway safety concerns for those people accessing the proposed application site, particularly people with restricted mobility.
- the impact of the development on the landscape of Ledbury was unacceptable, the development would alter the character of the town with the removal of an important green space.
- the importance of conserving and enhancing buildings of historic importance in the town.


The local ward member was given the opportunity to close the debate.

A motion that the application be refused due to: the protection of open and green spaces; highway safety concerns regarding the site access; the impact on the landscape and conservation and enhancement of buildings of historic importance; contrary to Ledbury NDP policies CL2.1 (g and h) and BE2.1 and core strategy policies MT1 and LD1 was proposed by councillor David Hitchiner and seconded by councillor Richard Thomas. The motion was put to the vote and carried by a simple majority.



The application be refused due to: the protection of open and green spaces; highway safety concerns regarding the site access; the impact on the landscape and conservation and enhancement of buildings of historic importance; contrary to Ledbury NDP policies CL2.1 (g and h) and BE2.1 and core strategy policies MT1 and LD1.

There was an adjournment at 12:54 a.m; the meeting reconvened at 1;08 p.m.

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