Agenda item


Demolition of existing barns within the grounds of a Listed Building. Proposed new farm shop and cafe and office accommodation buildings with associated car parking area.


Application refused contrary to the case officer’s recommendation.


Councillor Chris Bartram resumed his seat on the committee for the following application.


Councillor Elizabeth Foxton left the meeting.


The Senior Planning Officer gave a presentation on the application and the updates/representations received following the publication of the agenda, as provided in the update sheet and appended to these minutes. 


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking Mr Morfett spoke on behalf of Breinton Parish Council, Mr Barrat, local resident, spoke in objection to the application.


There was an adjournment at 11:45 a.m.; the meeting reconvened at 11:59 a.m.


Mr Carroll, the planning agent, spoke in support of the application.


In accordance with the council's constitution the local ward member spoke on the application. In summary, he explained that the site was located in open countryside and there was already a farm shop in the Parish of Breinton. The application would result in an increase in traffic volumes in the local narrow lanes accessing the site. Reference was made to a photograph that had been circulated in the updates sheet which demonstrated that the local lanes were unsuitable for HGV access; a weight restriction had been requested along the road. There were very limited passing places along the local narrow roads and the increase in traffic volumes would have an unacceptable impact on highway safety for those rational users of the Lanes including runners, walkers, cyclists and horse riders. There had been a number of objections to the application and the local Parish Council strongly objected. The application should be refused due to the impact on highways are the impact on the landscape in a rural area.


The committee debated the application. During consideration of the application the committee raised the following concerns:


- the scale and nature of the proposed development was not in keeping with the rural setting and location and was contrary to Core Strategy policy RA6.


- the proposed development would increase traffic volumes in narrow lanes and therefore would have an unacceptable impact upon highway safety and was contrary to Core Strategy policy MT1. Increased traffic volumes would have a detrimental impact on the use of local highways for recreational purposes contrary to Breinton NDP policies B10 and B13.


- increased traffic volumes would contribute to pollution and emissions with a consequent impact on climate change. This was contrary to policy SS7 in the Core Strategy.


- the proposed demolition of and significant alterations to agricultural buildings represented a substantial alteration upon the character and nature of the existing buildings contrary to Core Strategy policy RA5.


- the proposed reuse of existing buildings for a farm shop/cafe/office accommodation was considered contrary to Breinton NDP Policy B4.


The local ward member was given the opportunity to close the debate. He explained that the neighbouring ward councillor objected to the application and urged the committee to reject the application on the basis of highways concerns.


A motion that application 204242 be refused due to the: unacceptable scale and nature of the building in a rural setting (contrary to Core Strategy policy RA6); unacceptable impact on highway safety (contrary to Core Strategy policy MT1 and Breinton NDP policies B10 and B13); unacceptable impact on climate change (contrary to Core Strategy policy SS7); unacceptable changes to and impact on existing agricultural buildings (contrary to core strategy RA5); and unacceptable nature of reuse of empty buildings (contrary to Breinton NDP policy B4): was proposed by Councillor Toni Fagan and seconded by Councillor Stef Simmons. The motion was put to the vote carried by a simple majority.


A motion was proposed that application 204243 was refused for the following reason: in the absence of the associated planning permission, the demolition of the two buildings and conversion of timber frame building to enable a farm shop/cafe and office units on the site are considered to be unjustified and therefore contrary to core strategy policy LD4 and guidance contained within the national planning policy framework; was proposed by Councillor Toni Fagan and seconded by Councillor Stef Simmons. The motion was put to the vote and carried unanimously.


RESOLVED – that:


Application 204242 is refused due to the: unacceptable scale and nature of the building in a rural setting (contrary to Core Strategy policy RA6); unacceptable impact on highway safety (contrary to Core Strategy policy MT1 and Breinton NDP policies B10 and B13); unacceptable impact on climate change (contrary to Core Strategy policy SS7); unacceptable changes to and impact on existing agricultural buildings (contrary to core strategy RA5); and unacceptable nature of reuse of empty buildings (contrary to Breinton NDP policy B4).



Application 204243 is refused as in the absence of the associated planning permission, the demolition of the two buildings and conversion of timber frame building to enable a farm shop/cafe and office units on the site are considered to be unjustified and therefore contrary to core strategy policy LD4 and guidance contained within the national planning policy framework.


Supporting documents: