Agenda item

One Herefordshire Partnership Update

To provide members of the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) an update to the One Herefordshire Partnership.


Jane Ives provided an update on the One Herefordshire Partnership. The principal points included:


  1. What the One Herefordshire Partnership is.
  2. There are joint appointments from Herefordshire Council, Wye Valley NHS Trust, NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire, GP Leadership Team, and System NED which form the partnership.
  3. The partnership meets weekly which helps keep decision-making frequent and agile to ensure that decisions are made quickly.
  4. The partnership translates the national strategy into something practical and pragmatic which is deliverable and is assessed against KPIs and objectives that holds the partnership to account.
  5. The Clinical Practitioner Forum (CPF) is chaired by Mike Hearne and has a responsibility for the GP leadership team and meets once a fortnight.
  6. The Integrated Care Executive’s responsibility holds the partnership responsible and accountable for the objectives that the partnership intends to deliver.
  7. Therefore, the ICE will scrutinise the partnership how money is invested, whether it is making a difference, and whether it is good value for money.
  8. The partnership and the CPF have an established way of working whilst ICE is a little less mature and is expected to gain momentum later this year.
  9. ICE meets monthly as it is able to be less agile than the other partnerships/forums.
  10. There are joint partnerships between the different organisations which emphasises real partnerships between stakeholders.
  11. The partnership operates learning forums including ‘Transformation Tuesday’ and ‘Safety in Sync’ which emphasises the work that is being done as well as the help that is needed going forward.
  12. In terms of achievements, the One Herefordshire Partnership has integrated its GPs and Community Integrated Response Hub which delivers a 2-hour response.
  13. There has been a lot of work done in care homes which delivers high levels of personalised care and support plans that has reduced admissions by 30% and falls by 15%.
  14. There have been numerous PCN developments including health inequalities priorities such as adverse childhood experiences, cancer screening, vaccine hesitancy, childhood obesity, and fibromyalgia.
  15. Urgent care has a much more integrated redesign plan which has been agreed and drafted.
  16. A lot of work has been done regarding ambulance turnaround times over the winter.
  17. Value for money is important and the Chief Financial Officers meet regularly to look at a set of financial principles that are developed and agreed among themselves and they are starting to look at how money can be managed in different ways.
  18. Workforce partnership working is the biggest challenge and there are a number of things being done to tackle this including work with Hoople to support them to make the difference to recruitment in the Wye Valley Trust.
  19. With respect to the partnership’s priorities for the coming year, these include a number of priorities such as PCN development, Integrated Urgent Care, Health and Wellbeing Strategy priorities, planned care, workforce, working with communities, and working well together.


The Chair thanked Jane Ives for the presentation and asked whether people in Herefordshire knew that the partnership was better prepared going forward.


David Mehaffey noted that with respect to ambulance response times, for example, this is an area where Herefordshire has improved significantly in comparison to national statistics. Whether people will be aware of these improvements, there will better experiences for people in the county.


Jane Ives noted that people need to see the difference in services and that delivery is particularly significant to people.


Stephen Brewster (VCS) asked if the preventative agenda was part of the conversation around preventative work.


Jane Ives noted that this was particularly relevant among the PCNs including work with Talk Communities, the voluntary sector, and health and social care.


Nisha Sankey (Taurus Healthcare) added that there is a strong commitment within Herefordshire to prevention and wellbeing as well as an acknowledgement that service demands support individuals with ill-health have taken a significant proportion of time and capacity. Making that shift is critical at every level and there is an absolute commitment to ensure capacity going into the prevention agenda.


David Mehaffey commented that with the Joint Forward Plan the first part of the title is to drive the shift upstream to more prevention and thus is embedded across all services in primary, secondary, and tertiary care.


Stephen Brewster asked if there was capacity within the system and investment in the preventative agenda.


David Mehaffey noted that this was a challenge and that there is about to be work done to develop a medium-term financial strategy to underpin the work around preventative care.


The Director of Public Health added that sometimes money is not always necessary to make a difference.


The recommendation was proposed, seconded, and unanimously approved.


Resolved that:


a)    The Health and Wellbeing Board considers and notes the presentation at Appendix 1.

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