Agenda item
Erection of 1 no. dwelling of outstanding design and associated works including access, landscaping, outbuildings, infrastructure, lake creation and other engineering works.
Application refused contrary to the case officer’s recommendation.
The development manager north team gave a presentation on the application and updates/representations received following the publication of the agenda as provided in the update sheet and appended to these minutes.
In accordance with the criteria for public speaking Mr Tompkins, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application.
In accordance with the council's constitution the local ward member spoke on the application. In summary, he explained that he was unable to support the application due to the size and scale of the development and its impact on the landscape. The judgement as to whether the development was outstanding, as defined paragraph 80(e) of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), was a subjective determination for the committee to make. The application was felt to be contrary to core strategy policies SS1, SS2, LD1, RA3 and also contrary to the Neighbourhood Development Plan.
The committee debated the application.
The local ward member was given the opportunity to close the debate, he explained that due to the size and scale of the development, its impact on the Landscape was unacceptable.
A motion that the application be approved in accordance for the case officer’s recommendation was proposed by Councillor John Hardwick and seconded by Councillor Dave Boulter. The motion was put to the vote and was lost by simple majority.
A motion that the application be refused for those reasons set out below was proposed by Councillor Yolande Watson and seconded by Councillor Jeremy Milln. The motion was put to the vote and was carried by a simple majority.
The proposal represents new residential development in the open countryside. By virtue of its design and scale it is not considered to be of outstanding design or in keeping with the character of the locality, leading to adverse harm upon the character and appearance of the area. As such, the proposal does not comply with the principles of Paragraph 80(e) of the National Planning Policy Framework and is not considered to be representative of sustainable development, contrary to Policies SS1, SS2, SS3, SS7, RA2, RA3, LD1, LD3 and SD1 of the Herefordshire Local Plan – Core Strategy and Policy OPG2 of the Ocle Pychard Group Neighbourhood Development Plan.
As a result of the scale of development proposed, the scheme will result in the loss of good to moderate agricultural land, contrary to Policies SS7 and RA6 of the Herefordshire Local Plan – Core Strategy.
RESOLVED – that planning permission is refused for the following reasons:
The proposal represents new residential development in the open countryside. By virtue of its design and scale it is not considered to be of outstanding design or in keeping with the character of the locality, leading to adverse harm upon the character and appearance of the area. As such, the proposal does not comply with the principles of Paragraph 80(e) of the National Planning Policy Framework and is not considered to be representative of sustainable development, contrary to Policies SS1, SS2, SS3, SS7, RA2, RA3, LD1, LD3 and SD1 of the Herefordshire Local Plan – Core Strategy and Policy OPG2 of the Ocle Pychard Group Neighbourhood Development Plan.
As a result of the scale of development proposed, the scheme will result in the loss of good to moderate agricultural land, contrary to Policies SS7 and RA6 of the Herefordshire Local Plan – Core Strategy.
Supporting documents:
- Application 221177 - committee updates, item 69. PDF 8 KB