Agenda item


To consider Notices of Motion.


Motion – Cost of living crisis and energy efficiency


Councillor Ellie Chowns proposed the motion.


Council debated the motion.


In summary there was wide support for the elements of the motion concerning energy efficiency, particularly support for the insulation of homes and new homes building standards. There was however division across the Council for the areas of motion which related to the future use of fossil fuels.


Councillor Yolande Watson seconded the motion.


Councillor Chowns closed the debate.


The motion was put to the recorded vote and was carried by a simple majority of Council.


FOR (24): Councillors Paul Andrews, Bartlett, Bartrum, Boulter, Chowns, Clare Davies, Gemma Davies, Harrington, Harvey, Hewitt, Howells, James, Marsh, Matthews, Norman, Price, Stark, Summers, Symonds, Tillett, Toynbee, Tyler, Watson and Wilding.


AGAINST (6): Councillors Johnson, Mike Jones, Kenyon, Lester, Rone and Shaw.


ABSTENTIONS (11): Councillors Bolderson, Bowen, Durkin, Foxton, Gandy, Guthrie, I’Anson, Graham Jones, Probert, Stone and Swinglehurst.





This council believes that:

·         Everyone has the right to a warm home that is affordable to heat;

·         Improving energy efficiency is central to tackling the energy crisis and cost of living crisis;

·         Fossil fuels should be left in the ground, and investment in energy supply should instead be targeted at renewables

·         All new homes and workplaces should be built to the highest possible energy efficiency standards.

This council notes that:

·         Herefordshire Council unanimously declared a climate emergency on 8 March 2019.

·         Buildings account for 23% of UK greenhouse gas emissions

·         Herefordshire Council has made significant commitments to supporting energy efficiency for homes and businesses in the county, but needs far more support from central government

·         Current UK government investment in energy efficiency is nowhere near the level required to address fuel poverty or meet our legally binding UK climate targets.

The council therefore calls on the executive to write to the Prime Minister and to the Herefordshire MPs to call for:

·         Immediate further direct financial support to help people to manage the cost of living crisis, with most support provided to low income households;

·         A fully funded nationwide action plan to insulate all homes and businesses as quickly as possible to improve energy efficiency and reduce bills;

·         A commitment to keep fossil fuels in the ground, and to invest instead in developing the renewable energy technologies and businesses that are essential for our future energy security;

·         Immediate introduction of significantly improved energy efficiency standards for new buildings.



Motion – Proportional Representation


Councillor Nigel Shaw proposed and Councillor Barry Durkin seconded a motion under section 4.1.92 of the constitution to adjourn the debate on the motion on notice concerning proportional representation to the next meeting of the Council. The motion to adjourn the debate was carried by a simple majority of Council.


It was requested that the monitoring officer circulate clarification regarding the relevance of the proportional representation motion to the functions of the Council ahead of the next meeting.


RESOLVED: That the debate on the proportional representation motion on notice be adjourned to the next meeting of the Council. 

Supporting documents: