Agenda item


To consider, amend as necessary and agree the wording of the ‘Breadth of Study’ statements for each Key Stage proposed by the Working Parties.


The Syllabus Conference considered, amended as necessary, and agreed the wording of the ‘Breadth of Study’ statements for each Key Stage.


The Consultant for RE reported that in accordance with the action plan for the review of the Agreed Syllabus, agreed on 7th March, 2005, three working parties of teachers had been established to develop draft recommendations.  A statement informing of progress so far and outlining some of the key amendments, recommended by the working parties, had been included in the agenda at appendix 1. 


The Consultant for RE highlighted that:

  • The drafts suggested revisions or amendments to bring the 2006 syllabus in line with the Non statutory National Framework (NSNF) which had been published in October 2004.
  • It was proposed that the Foundation Stage have its own section.  Four themes, which identify RE learning linked to early learning goals or stepping-stones, had been identified.
  • That the three strands of the current syllabus (Beliefs, Practices, Lifestyle) be amended to Believing, Expressing, Living.  These provided a framework for learning in RE which would match to the expectations in the levels statements in the NSNF.
  • Drawing on the NSNF, Breadth of Study statements would be developed to introduce the areas of learning and standards required at each key stage.  
  • The former heading ‘Religions’ would become ‘Religions and Beliefs’ and the themes identified as appropriate by the framework will be listed.
  • Existing units had been appropriately amended to ensure that each would be sufficiently challenging to enable pupils to work at the level expected.  KS2 and 3 units would now identify possible ‘key questions’.
  • The use of the ‘overview grid’ would ensure continuity and progression between key stages.


The Syllabus Conference gave detailed consideration to the Programme of Study working drafts for: Foundation Stage; KS1; KS2; KS3 and the Programme of Study Overview, copies of which had been previously issued to members of the Conference as separate documents. 


Having sought clarification and debated a number of key points of principle, and made a number of textural amendments, the Syllabus Conference agreed the wording of the draft documents.


In view of the timetable and the likely high volume of drafting work expected to be generated by the review, the Syllabus Conference considered establishing a Syllabus Conference Sub-committee.  It was proposed that the sub-committee, comprising of one member from each Committee, would meet on 2nd November 2005, specifically to progress the drafting of the new syllabus to a stage that it could be considered by the full Syllabus Conference at its meeting on 28th November, 2005.




a)      The wording of the Programme of Study working drafts for: Foundation Stage; KS1; KS2; KS3 and the Programme of Study Overview, as now amended, be approved;

b)     A Syllabus Conference Sub-committee be established to progress the drafting of the new syllabus to a stage that it could be considered by the full Syllabus Conference at its meeting on 28th November, 2005; and

c)      The membership of the Syllabus Conference Sub-Committee be:

Committee A – Mr M. Rollnick

Committee B – Mr J. Rendall

Committee C – Mrs S. McCamley

Committee D – Councillor J Stone

d)     Councillor J. Stone be appointed Chairman of the Sub-Committee.

Supporting documents: