Agenda item


Proposed erection of two dwelling houses with shared vehicle access.


The application was refused in accordance with the Case Officer’s recommendation.


(Proposed erection of two dwelling houses with shared vehicle access.)


The Senior Planning Officer (SPO) gave a presentation on the application, and updates/additional representations received following the publication of the agenda were provided in the update sheet, as appended to these minutes.

The Committee had deferred consideration of the application on 5 August 2020 to allow comment to be sought from the Landscape Officer.

The SPO reported that the Senior Landscape Officer had objected to the proposal.  In addition the Clehonger Neighbourhood Development Plan had passed through independent examination with no changes.  The Plan would now be subject to a referendum.  It should be attributed significant weight at this point.  Given these two factors the officer recommendation had changed to recommend refusal of the application.

In accordance with the criteria for public speaking for virtual meetings, Mrs A Davies of Clehonger Parish Council spoke in objection to the application, as a virtual attendee.  Mr K Hastings spoke in objection to the application, as a virtual attendee.  Mr D Baume, the applicant’s agent had submitted a written submission in support of the application.

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, the local ward member, Councillor Hitchiner, spoke on the application.  He highlighted the housing growth in the village, the significant weight that could now be given to the NDP, to which the proposal was contrary, and the objection from the Landscape Officer.  He considered that on balance the application should be refused.

The Committee discussed the application.

The Lead Development Manager commented that the significant weight that could now be given to the NDP, in conjunction with the cumulative impact of housing development, which meant that the minimum housing target had been significantly exceeded, and the landscape harm underpinned the recommendation for refusal.

The local ward member was given the opportunity to close the debate.  He reiterated his support for refusal of the application.

RESOLVED: That planning permission be refused for the following reasons:


1.         The application seeks approval for the erection of 2 dwellings in a location that is adjacent to, but outside of the settlement boundary for Clehonger. Locationally this accords with policy RA2 of the Herefordshire Local Plan – Core Strategy, but is in direct conflict with policy C2 of the draft Clehonger Neighbourhood Development Plan, which is afforded significant weight, following the Examiner’s Report that does not recommend any modifications. The Clehonger Neighbourhood Development Plan Area has experienced considerable growth and the Plan provides for a considerable exceedance of the minimum proportional growth target and the Examiner saw no reason to expand the settlement boundary (including to accommodate the application site as per the applicants’ representations). The proposed development fails to meet any of the exceptions for development outside settlement boundaries, as specified in policy RA3 of the Herefordshire Local Plan – Core Strategy. In undertaking the test set out in paragraph 11d)ii of the National Planning Policy Framework, in light of the Council’s current housing land supply position, the identified adverse impact of direct conflict with the draft Clehonger Neighbourhood Development Plan as set out in this reason for refusal, and the following reason, significantly and demonstrably outweigh the benefits.


2.         The proposed development will adversely affect the landscape character in two material ways. Firstly, the proposed access arrangements, through the removal of 4.5m of hedgerow and the widening of the Poplar Road along a length of approximately 45m, will adversely effect the intimate rural character of Poplar Road in an important transitionary location between the settlement of Clehonger and the open countryside to the South. This is contrary to both Policy LD1 of the Herefordshire Local Plan – Core Strategy and Policy C6 of the draft Clehonger Neighbourhood Development Plan, which is attributed significant weight. Secondly, the development of the site will obstruct a view that is protected via Policy C4 (3B) of the draft Clehonger Neighbourhood Development Plan thereby adversely affecting this protected landscape characteristic. 




1.         IP3 - Application Refused Following Discussion – Where there is no Way Forward


(The meeting adjourned between 10.55 and 11.05 am.)

Supporting documents: