Agenda item

Corporate RIsk Register

To consider the status of the council’s corporate risk register in order to monitor the effectiveness of risk management within the Performance Management Framework.


The head of corporate performance presented the report and highlighted: 


·       The risk registers were as at 30 September 2020.

·       There were 18 new risks.

·       Comparisons with previous quarters had been removed due to the move to the new format.   Comparative information would be added for future reports.

·       Further work was required in order to embed the new framework.

·       Assistant director risk management leads had now been identified and training was being arranged for them.


In discussion of the item, it was noted that:


·       Any risk in connection with Public Health would be incorporated into the corporate support risk register.

·       The Covid-19 risk register set out the risks to Council services in connection with the pandemic.

·       Under the new framework, if there were high level risks then there must be mitigating activity which is SMART in order to reduce the risk.      

·       There were links in the risk register which aligned the risk to the relevant area in the County Plan.

·       In the Quarter 2 budget and performance report to Cabinet, there should be consistency between the risk register and the report.   As the Covid-19 risks potentially sat across all three directorates, this may be a corporate risk (rather than be replicated across the three directorates risk registers).

·       Currently the public health risk register would be sat as a service risk register but risks could be escalated to the relevant risk register.

·       The head of corporate performance would request a briefing note on the economy and place risk EP23 (Ash Die back [Chalara]) which would also include details of how it linked to the tree strategy which was being developed.

·       It was noted that 1-2 of the risks needed to be considered in a wider context.  The example of the phosphate risk was used to illustrate that it was also a risk to the environment, tourism, etc and not just the housing land supply.

·       There was a need to capture the severity of risk and the impact on the council and the county. The Covid-19 risk was used as an example.

·       That the mitigation in connection with CRR 04 (Human Rights Claims) appeared to have an increase in the risk score so it was queried whether the risk had changed.

·       That the risk CRR31 (South Wye Transport Package) may have changed and it was queried whether the risk had now crystallised. 

·       There may need to be a risk in connection with animal disease given the nature of the county and because there had been an outbreak of Avian influenza. 

·       Risks will considered in a more holistic manner and there will be an annual comparison with the national risk register and what neighbouring councils are doing.




the head of corporate performance request that a briefing note is provided in connection with EP risk 23 (ash die back) and how it sits within the overall tree strategy


the head of corporate performance request that a briefing note is provided in connection with EP20, in particular more detail to be provided about the local flood management plan and how it links to the riparian rights.  


That an all members’ briefing which is being organised by BBLP also includes riparian rights. 


Supporting documents: