Agenda item


To receive the report and to consider any recommendations to Council arising from the meetings held on 1st, 15th and 29th September and 20th October, 2005.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor R.J. Phillips, presented the report of the meetings of Cabinet held on 1st, 15th and 29th September and 20th October, 2005.


In relation to Item 3.1 - Enforcement of Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act 2005 -  Councillor P.J. Edwards, the Cabinet Member (Environment) answered a number of questions on this matter.  He advised that the Council had powers to take enforcement action against landowners who did not keep their grounds in order and that the new Act would confer greater powers in this respect.  He said that it was difficult for the Council to police those responsible for causing litter or those who allowed their dogs to foul pavements and other public areas and that the costs associated with clearing such mess was ultimately borne by the Council Tax payer.  The introduction of the new fines would help to redress the balance.  He advised that organisers of major events should work closely with the street cleaning staff to ensure that appropriate cleaning took place.  He confirmed that one additional officer had been appointed to supplement the existing staff, in addition to the three dog wardens currently employed by the Council.  He advised that no fines had yet been issued for the offence of causing litter but that two had been issued for dog-fouling and several other for related offences such as allowing dogs off leads in restricted areas.


In relation to Item 4.1(i) - Capital Strategy - In response to a query about the cost of a new corporate building, the Leader agreed that, whilst awaiting other representations, the Council would continue to pursue the Plough Lane option.  He agreed that the intention was for a cost neutral solution taking account of the disposal of other Council property.  He confirmed that local Members would be informed of any decisions to dispose of properties in their wards but was not yet in a position to give any indication of the timing of such disposal.


In relation to Item 4.2(iii) - Community Forums - In response to concerns about poor attendance at Community Forum meetings, the Leader advised that he met with the Chairmen of the Community Forums and Cabinet Members after each round of meetings and they would continue to explore ways of encouraging attendance.  He asked Members to play their part in this process.


In relation to 5.1(i) - Safeguarding Children - In response to a number of queries regarding the number of children involved, the age of transition from children's services to adult services and associated support, Councillor D.W. Rule, Cabinet Member (Children's Services) said that the Council had 170 looked after children.  The Leader referred Council to the agenda to the Cabinet meeting held on 29th September, 2005 which contained a full report on the matter.  Councillor Rule agreed to provide additional information after the meeting.


In relation to Item 11.1(i) - Herefordshire Thinks Rural - Councillor J.C. Mayson, Cabinet Member (Rural Regeneration and Strategy) acknowledged the decline of the agricultural economy of the County over recent years.  The Leader reminded Council that Herefordshire, as an agricultural county, was a minority in an urban nation.  He said that changes to the Common Agricultural Policy would have a profound effect on the landscape which was also a key factor in the County's tourism industry.


In relation to Item 11.1(ii) - Relocation of the Livestock Market - Councillor Mayson agreed to explore the use of Herefordshire Matters as a means of encouraging greater public involvement in the debate over the relocation of the Livestock Market.


In relation to Item 12.1(i) - Housing Strategy for Herefordshire -  In response to a comment, Councillor Mrs. L.O. Barnett, Cabinet Member (Social Care Adults and Health) agreed that the Housing Strategy was a very important document.  She agreed that the Council must address the considerable challenge of providing sufficient affordable accommodation in the County and urged that applications for permission for such accommodation be treated more favourably.


In relation to Item 12.1(ii) - Herefordshire Older People's Strategy - In response to a query, Councillor Mrs. Barnett said that the plans for the Extra Care Village were progressing well.  It was not possible, at this time, to say whether a replacement building would be constructed on the same site as Disraeli Court but she gave an assurance that the existing residents would be found suitable alternative accommodation.  She reminded Council that older people, in the future, might have very different requirements to those of today's elderly.


In relation to Item 12.1(iii) - National Health Service Organisational Change - In response to a number of queries, Councillor Mrs. Barnett assured Council that the Council and the Primary Care Trust were working closely together, being involved in joint discussions and pooling of resources, each playing their part in the delivery of integrated health services.


RESOLVED:  That the reports from the meetings of Cabinet held on 1st, 15th and 29th September and 20th October, 2005 be received.

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