Agenda item


To receive any written questions.


Question asked by Councillor D.C. Taylor of the Cabinet Member (Environment)

"I understand that Mr Justice Elias has handed down a judgement against the Council’s decision to grant planning permission for a waste site at Madley for Estech Europe Ltd. 

In his judgement he gave leave for the Council to appeal.  Has the Cabinet Member (Environment) considered this Council’s position and whether it will be appealing against this judgement?

Has the Council also considered what future stance it should take, along with its partner organisations, regarding reducing the landfill deposits to meet the national guidelines, which are to be brought in by 2010."

Councillor P.J. Edwards, Cabinet Member (Environment) said that  although the High Court challenge to the planning permission was on two grounds, site selection and environmental impact, Mr Justice Elias' judgement confirmed that there where no grounds to quash the decision on the basis of site selection.  The judgement found that clearer information supporting the applicant's assertion that the treatment process would not result in significant environmental emissions was required from the applicant, Estech Europe Ltd, before the Council could properly make a decision on the application.

He advised that the Council would not appeal against the High Court Judgement, as it was for the applicant to consider how they wished to pursue their planning application which awaits determination.

He reminded Council of the Joint Waste Management Strategy with Worcestershire, which sets out how it will achieve targets including diversion from landfill, and also of the long term contract for waste management which has in-built flexibility to adjust to changes in policy. 

Councillor Taylor thanked the Cabinet Member for his answer.  There was no supplementary question.

Question asked by Councillor Mrs. J. Pemberton of the Cabinet Member (Rural Regeneration and Smallholdings)

"Acknowledging the valuable role that Parish Plans play with local communities throughout Herefordshire, are there any proposals for the Council to further assist parishes in the provision of resources in the light of reduced funding from Government?"

Councillor J.C. Mayson, Cabinet Member (Rural Regeneration and Smallholding) thanked Councillor Mrs. Pemberton for her question and said he acknowledged the valuable role that Parish Plans played in local communities particularly in a rural county like Herefordshire.

He reminded Council that the Countryside Agency had launched the Parish Planning process in March 2002 to encourage Parish Council’s throughout the country to engage with their local communities and take a more active role in the development of their Parishes.  A grant of £5,000 per Parish, subsequently reduced to £3,500 per Parish, had been made available.  The Countryside Agency has confirmed that this grant scheme would close in March 2005.

Of the 238 parishes in Herefordshire approximately 41 Herefordshire parishes had either already successfully completed a Plan or were in the process of completing, and although the Council recognises the important role that Parish Planning takes, it would not be possible for the Council to fund the financial gap created by the closure of the Countryside Agency grant support.

He said that the Council would continue to support Parishes with appropriate advice to help them develop and implement Parish Plans, together with their continuing endorsement by Planning Committee.  The Council was also in discussion with the Government over the development of its Second Local Public Sector Area Agreement (LPSA2).  One of the possible initiatives being explored as part of this process was further provision of advice and guidance to support the Parish Planning process.

There was no supplementary question.

Question asked by Councillor A.C.R. Chappell of the Leader of the Council

"Will the Leader explore ways of funding for flood defences for the city and in particular for the areas around Belmont roundabout and Greyfriars Avenue?

Very little apparent effort has been made by the Council to put pressure on the Environment Agency of the Department of the Environment to hasten the implementation of flood defences.

Will he actively promote flood defences for the city and bring whatever pressure is possible on the agencies that are able to deliver results?"

Councillor R.J. Phillips, the Leader of the Council, said that the Council had fully supported the work undertaken by the Environment Agency to develop a flood defence scheme for Hereford and had secured a substantial developer contribution to the scheme through the approved ASDA development.


Responsibility for implementation of a flood defence scheme currently rested with the Welsh Region of the Environment Agency's Flood Defence Committee structure  but would transfer to an enlarged Severn Trent Regional Flood Defence Committee on behalf of the Environment Agency from 1st April.  The Council has written to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs seeking confirmation that preparations for this transfer of responsibilities would be taken forward well in advance of April next year and asking for reassurance that the changes would have no adverse impact on the local priority for flood defences in Hereford.  DEFRA has confirmed that it is considering how best it might prepare for the change to the boundaries and that this Council would be consulted on any proposals.


DEFRA has pointed out that, under the new administrative arrangements, it would be for the Regional Flood Defence Committee to decide on the programme of works for the area.  It would be possible for the Committee to raise funding through a local levy for priority schemes.  However, schemes such as that proposed for Hereford were classified as major works, funded from flood defence grant aid and would be subject to national prioritisation applied to all schemes in England.


The Cabinet Member reported that the Local Authority representation on the Severn Trent Regional Flood Defence Committee was being reviewed by DEFRA to ensure fair and proportionate representation and the Council would be consulted on any proposed changes.  He assured Councillor Chappell that the Council would continue actively to promote flood defences for Hereford within both existing and future national systems of flood management.


Question asked by Councillor J. Stone of the Cabinet Member (Highways and Transportation)

"Approximately 23% of personal injury accidents in Herefordshire occur on trunk roads like the A49, jeopardising the County's national targets on casualty reduction.  Will the Cabinet Member for Highways and Transportation make representations to the Department of Transport over the lack of urgency shown by the Highways Agency in improving road safety on the A49?"

Councillor R.M. Wilson, Cabinet Member (Highways and Transportation) thanked Councillor Stone for his question and said that he was in the process of preparing a letter to the Transport Minister.  He advised that the need for higher priority to be given to casualty reduction measures on trunk roads in Herefordshire would be stressed in the next Local Transport Plan due to be submitted to the Government in July this year and discussed with them in draft well before then.


He said that the Council's concerns were also incorporated in the draft Local Public Service Agreement which was currently under negotiation with the Government and in which the Highways Agency would be asked to grant greater flexibility to give priority to reducing accidents in Herefordshire.


Councillor Stone thanked the Cabinet Member for his answer and asked if the relatively low costs involved in the introduction of speed limits, warning signs, white lining or road resurfacing would be money well spent in relation to the costs involved in just one fatal accident.  The Cabinet Members said he was well aware of the costs but that the A49 was the responsibility of the Environment Highways Agency.  He would continue to lobby on this point.