Agenda item


To receive a report from the leader on the activities of the executive (cabinet) since the meeting of Council on 9 March 2018 and an annual report on the priorities of the cabinet and progress made in meeting those priorities.



Council received a report from the Leader of the Council concerning an update on the work of the Cabinet since the previous ordinary meeting of Council in March 2018 and an annual report on the priorities of the cabinet and progress made in meeting those priorities. The Leader introduced the report and informed Council of the proposal for a council tax reduction for care leavers which would be the subject of a forthcoming decision. The Leader also outlined the significant infrastructure projects currently in progress within the context of the financial challenges faced by the Council.


The issues below were raised in the discussion that followed:


·         It was asked whether the Leader supported a meeting with Highways England (HE) to discuss safety concerns on the A49. The Leader expressed sympathy for local residents affected by recent accidents on the road and supported a meeting with HE. The Cabinet Member for Transport and Regulatory Services confirmed that there would be three seminars with HE in September concerning the road;

·         An update on the inquiry concerning the Southern Link Road was requested. The Cabinet Member Infrastructure explained that the inquiry concerned the compulsory purchase arrangements and side road orders. Such inquiries routinely took place when objections to compulsory purchases were lodged;

·         Detail concerning the targets for the proportion of households able to access faster broadband and the actual uptake was requested. The Cabinet Member Economy and Communications explained that a written response would be sent to the member;

·         Franklin House had been purchased for £1.5m but a recent valuation had valued the building at £500k. The Cabinet Member for Contracts and Assets explained that the property had been purchased with grants and property prices had steadily reduced in value in recent years;

·         The Leader was encouraged to work with new public transport franchise holders to advance the priority of an integrated transport network in the county;

·         It was noted that one of the reasons cited for the failure of the bid for the City of Culture was a lack of local authority support for the project.


Councillor AJW Powers proposed a motion without notice under paragraph 4.1.92 (d) of the constitution to refer to the appropriate body or individual to consider an additional objective for the Chief Executive’s objectives 2018/19 as follows: Champion high standards of conduct and a strong commitment to public service throughout the Council.


There was a brief adjournment at 12.24 p.m.; the meeting reconvened at 12.36 p.m.


Councillor A Seldon seconded the motion.


The motion was debated with the following points raised:


·         The proposal was adding to a process that had already been undertaken with the Group Leaders;

·         The additional objective should be added to the Chief Executive’s objectives in the following year 2019/20; and

·         The motion was supported as a public statement to represent principles already in place at the Council.


The motion was put to the vote and carried by a simple majority of the Council.


RESOLVED: that Council  refers the list of objectives for the Chief Executive for 2018/19 back to the Leader to consider an additional objective as follows: Champion high standards of conduct and a strong commitment to public service throughout the Council.


RESOLVED: that the Leader’s report to Council is noted.

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