Agenda item


To receive the report and to consider any recommendations to Council arising from the meetings held on 25th November and 16th December, 2004 and 13th and 27th January, 2005


The Leader of the Council, Councillor R.J. Phillips, presented the report of the meetings of Cabinet held on 24th November and 16th December, 2004 and 13th and 27th January, 2005.


In relation to item 2 - Notices of Motion - Councillor Mrs French confirmed that progress was being made on Councillor Mrs. Lloyd-Hayes and Councillor Bowen's motion at the previous Council meeting on the promotion and purchase of FairTrade goods.  She said that a report would come back to Council but could not promise that it would be ready in time for the March meeting.  She agreed to keep Councillors Mrs. Lloyd-Hayes and Bowen informed of any developments.


In relation to item 3.1 Acquisition of Station Approach Industrial Estate - It was noted that some concern had been caused to tenants of the site by a press release issued by Advantage West Midlands explaining that the Estate was being acquired as part of the long term plans to regenerate the area.


In relation to item 4.1(iii) Learning and Skills Council - Strategic Area Review - in response to concerns that with the proposal to create a new College, the College of Art which had a very good national reputation, might lose its identity, the Leader of the Council said it was important for the County that facilities were available for all young people to acquire a range of skills.  Councillor James stressed the importance of ensuring that the Colleges worked together for the benefit of all further education students.


In relation to item 4.2(i) Local Area Forums - The Chairman of the Health Scrutiny Committee urged Council to increase support to the Scrutiny function so that the Committees could address the suggestion that they consider areas of concern highlighted at Local Area Forum Meeting when formulating and reviewing their work programmes.  He also said that the authorities who had performed well under the Corporate Performance Assessment enjoyed well resourced scrutiny functions.  Other Members suggested ways of increasing public attendance at Local Area Forum meetings including Local Members being more proactive, e-mail communications with organisations such as Residents' Associations, and additional funding for improving publicity.


In relation to item 4.2(iii) Budget Monitoring 2004/05 - In response to a query on the sale of Trinity House and the move of staff to rented accommodation, the Leader clarified that this sale was part of the overall accommodation strategy aimed at reducing the number of offices the Council occupies, which would, in turn, lead to economies of scale and efficiency savings.


In relation to item 10.1(i) Appointment of Traffic Manager - In response to a comment, the Leader confirmed that the appointment of a Traffic Manager was a statutory requirement and hoped that the appointment would assist in developing a more a constructive and robust relationship with the Highways Agency.


In relation to item 11.l(i) - Reform of the Registration Service - In response to a query Councillor Mrs. French advised that, as the service is developed and modernised, it will not be necessary to attend the Register offices in the Market Towns in person to make an appointment and users will be encouraged to use the INFO shops for this purpose.


In relation to item 11.1(ii) - Implementing Electronic Government (IEG4) Statement - In response to a question about the use of new microphones in the Council Chamber, the Leader stated that the new equipment had been selected because it provided a cost-effective and flexible solution to problems experienced, particularly at Planning meetings, where members of the public found it difficult to hear the discussion.  He acknowledged that it would take time to perfect the layout to minimise any safety hazards caused by trailing wires. 


In relation to item 11.2(i) - Human Resources Strategy Progress - in response to a query the County Secretary and Solicitor advised that all staff had been given notice of the expiry of current terms and conditions effective on 31st March, 2005, and invited to sign up to new terms and conditions under Job Evaluation/Single Status.  In order for the Council to be confident that it would have sufficient staff in post on 1st April to meet its statutory obligations to service users, those staff who had not signed up had received a further letter asking them to sign by a date in February.  Those who had not signed up by that date would have the offer of future employment withdrawn.  The Leader reminded Council that the job evaluation process had been difficult for employees and one of the most complicated in the country and thanked Members for their support and sensitivity over the last few years.


In relation to item 13.1(i) Extra Housing Care Provision - Councillor James, Chairman of the Strategic Monitoring Committee asked for a revision of the policy of allocation of Social Housing following a failure to satisfy local needs and an increased demand, mainly from outsiders with tenuous links with the County.  Councillor Mrs. Barnett, Cabinet Member (Social Care and Strategic Housing), advised that the policy had been revised last autumn but remained under close review.


In response to a question on eligibility criteria for the Extra Care Village - Councillor Mrs. Barnett advised that a draft allocation policy had been drawn up.  In the main applicants should be 60 years of age or over, and in need of additional care.  She advised that the project was on target with the planning application due to be considered on 4th March and tendering documents already drawn up.


It was noted that the Social Care and Housing Scrutiny Committee would be reviewing the provision of supported housing for people with mental health problems and tribute was paid to the excellent work being done at Pomona Place, Hereford (high quality temporary accommodation for homeless individuals). 


RESOLVED:  That the reports from the meetings of Cabinet held on 24th November and 16th December, 2004 and 13th and 27th January, 2005 be received.

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