Agenda item


To receive a report from the leader on the activities of the executive (cabinet) since the meeting of the council in July 2017.


The Leader presented his report on the activities of the Cabinet since the meeting of Council on 14 July 2017. An update was provided by the Cabinet Member Health and Wellbeing on the Better Care Fund and Council was informed that the submission recently made to central government with the CCG had been approved by NHS England. The initial concern that funding would be withheld had been assuaged; written evidence was still awaited to provide definitive confirmation. 


Questions were invited to the Leader which included those issues raised below:


·         The success of companies based at Rotherwas and the contribution played by the access road which had initially faced opposition from element of the Council. It was noted that improvements to the route to Rotherwas were still required and concerns that the height of Green Crize bridge and clearance for large loads intended for the nuclear industry had been raised by businesses at the site. Comments were raised that the construction of a bypass needed to be expedited. The Leader agreed that the success of companies at Rotherwas attracted funding through the Local Enterprise Partnership and the bypass was a priority.    

·         The peer review relating to directorate performance reviews was welcomed. Responsibility for the situation concerning financial irregularities had been attributed by the Leader to officer error and members for not calling-in the issue. Ultimate responsibility was felt to rest with the Leader and the Cabinet Member for Contracts and Assets and a number of questions were posed regarding the tenability of their current positions on the Executive. The unfortunate public perception of the situation was highlighted and the requirement for the Leader to ensure that confidence in the council was restored. The Leader confirmed that the reasons for the issue at Blueschool House included a lack of scrutiny over the decision and it was confirmed that the Cabinet Member would not have been aware of the actions of officers to appoint the contractor on the project. 

·         A query was raised regarding the response to the collective letter from West Midlands authorities to the Secretary of State for Heath regarding funding. It was queried if there would be closer working with Worcestershire in future. The Leader confirmed that the issue would be discussed with Group Leaders and the correspondence would be shared.

·         The tendering process had not been properly followed in respect of Blueschool House. The situation had demonstrated weaknesses in governance arrangements for capital projects which was an issue that internal and external auditors had raised in the past. The Leader was asked for an assurance that the correct tendering process was observed in other areas of the council. Detail was requested concerning the number of contractors listed on the framework agreement. The Leader confirmed that a framework agreement was in place for Blueschool House which had appointed a preferred contractor; there were a number of examples of framework agreements across the county. The appointment had gone through agreed processes. A written response would be provided regarding the number of contractors listed on the framework agreement.   

·         Congratulations were offered to the 29 areas which had established Neighbourhood Plans. However, frustration was expressed regarding the length of time it took to approve the plans. In some circumstances the Planning Committee was considering applications in areas where Neighbourhood Plans were awaiting approval and therefore no weight could be attached to the priorities of the local community contained in the plans. The Leader understood the frustrations and explained that clearer communication would assist local communities to understand the stages of the process that needed to be observed and the likely timeframes.

·         Disappointment was expressed regarding the Police and Crime Commissioners’ (PCC) lack of a response to the comments of the Council regarding the proposed takeover of the fire and rescue authority. The Leader noted that the PCC had the right to make the application to the Home Office and hoped that there would be strong partnership working between local bodies to ensure that the fire and rescue service continued to meet the needs of the local community.

·         The Leader was asked what process was in place as a contingency for the preferred bidder for Blueschool House failing due diligence. The Leader and Cabinet Member Contract and Assets explained that the Cabinet Member would return the matter to Cabinet, a second contractor would be identified and the procurement would continue.

·         In relation to the business case for capital investment at Rotherwas a query was raised regarding the impact of the recent opinion from valuers that the Council’s holdings at the site had reduced in value by £14 million. The Leader confirmed a response to the question would be provided.

·         It was suggested that a seminar on procurement processes at the council would be of value to members. The Leader agreed.


Resolved – that the Leader’s report is noted.


The meeting adjourned at 12.55 p.m. until 1.05 p.m.

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