Agenda item


Construction of 8 no. houses.


The receipt of a further letter of objection from one of the objectors and an e-mail from another objector was reported, including reference to Structure Plan policies.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking Mr Maddock spoke against the application and Mrs Cope of Elgar Housing Association spoke in favour.


Councillor TW Hunt, the Local Ward Member objected to the application on the following grounds:


1.            the application for 8 houses was contrary to Policy H11 of the Malvern Hills District Council Local Plan (Section on Affordable Housing for Local People In Rural Areas) in of a scale, character and density not appropriate to the character of the area;


2.            the local housing needs survey of August 2003 did not show a very strong need for affordable properties within the North Bromyard Group of Parishes and no further surveys since then have been requested or undertaken by this Parish Council; and


3.            the proposed development was contrary to Policy H16A of the Hereford and Worcester County Structure Plan in that: -


(i)            It was not of a scale and character appropriate to this particular settlement or location.

(ii)          It was not acceptable in relation to the environment or landscape quality of the area.

(iii)         It was not located with due regard to the availability of public transport.

(iv)        It would not help sustain the rural community due to there being no facilities to sustain or support.


The Senior Enabling Officer explained the work that had been undertaken in establishing need and the reasons why the application had been made for the provision of social housing to serve the local community.  He also explained how the statistical data had been compiled in conjunction with Homepoint and information contained within the 2001 Housing Needs Study.


The Sub-Committee discussed the details of the application and felt that it had merits because there were few opportunities for social housing to be provided in the northern part of the district.  A motion that the planning application should be refused was lost.


RESOLVED:            That the County Secretary and Solicitor be authorised to complete a planning obligation under Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to ensure compliance with the requirements of the affordable housing policy and any additional matters and terms she considers appropriate


Upon completion of the aforementioned planning obligation that the officers named in the Scheme of Delegation to Officers be authorised to issue planning permission subject to the following conditions:


1       A01 (Time limit for commencement (full permission))


         Reason: Required to be imposed by Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.


2       A09 (Amended plans)


         Reason: To ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the amended plans.


3       B01 (Samples of external materials)


         Reason: To ensure that the materials harmonise with the surroundings.


4       F18 (Scheme of foul drainage disposal)


         Reason: In order to ensure that satisfactory drainage arrangements are provided.


5       F25 (Bunding facilities for oils/fuels/chemicals)


         Reason: To prevent pollution of the water environment.


6       F20 (Scheme of surface water drainage)


         Reason: To prevent the increased risk of flooding by ensuring the provision of a satisfactory means of surface water disposal.


7       F48 (Details of slab levels)


         Reason: In order to define the permission and ensure that the development is of a scale and height appropriate to the site.


8       G04 (Landscaping scheme (general))


         Reason: In order to protect the visual amenities of the area.


9       G05 (Implementation of landscaping scheme (general))


         Reason:  In order to protect the visual amenities of the area.


10     G31 (Details of play equipment)


         Reason: To ensure the play area is suitably equipped.


11     H03 (Visibility splays)  (4.5m x full extent of site frontage and 2.4m x 60m)


         Reason: In the interests of highway safety.


12     H06 (Vehicular access construction)


         Reason: In the interests of highway safety.


13     H14 (Turning and parking: change of use - domestic)  (16 cars – min 2 per dwelling)


         Reason: To minimise the likelihood of indiscriminate parking in the interests of highway safety.


14     H21 (Wheel washing)


         Reason: To ensure that the wheels of vehicles are cleaned before leaving the site in the interests of highway safety.


15     H27 (Parking for site operatives)


         Reason: To prevent indiscriminate parking in the interests of highway safety.




1       N15 - Reason(s) for the Grant of PP/LBC/CAC


2       HN05 - Works within the highway


3       HN10 - No drainage to discharge to highway


Councillor B Hunt abstained form voting on this item.

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