Agenda item

Annual Review of School Organisation Plan

To provide up to date information on pupil numbers and projections and to seek support for the issue of this revised information for comment, as part of the School Organisation Plan, and consider the resulting proposed actions. 


The Head of Policy and Resources (Education) updated Members on the School Organisation Plan and reminded the Committee that the report was an annual update and not a full plan.  Members were also presented with revised statistical data for pupil rolls in primary schools and housing allocations for Hereford City, the market towns and main villages as set out in the draft Unitary Development Plan (UDP).


Members were addressed on the continued fall in primary numbers. The Head of Policy and Resources (Education) stated that the fall in the pupil roll was under regular review.  He also drew the Committees attention to the number of primary schools in rural areas with less than 100 pupils.


Despite the falling primary roll the Head of Policy and Resources (Education) reaffirmed his support for the proposal to provide a new school at Staunton-on-Wye even though there were currently only 70 pupils on roll.  He emphasised that the school was greatly needed and should not be seen as a threat to neighbouring schools.  He added that if the school at Staunton were lost there would be difficulties dividing its catchment area amongst the surrounding schools.


The Head of Policy and Resources (Education) then drew Members attention to the problems of falling roll numbers in Hereford generally.  He informed the Committee that the majority of schools in Hereford were suffering from falling rolls, which was creating organisational problems particularly with regard to class sizes, causing one city school to ask for a reduction in its Planned Admission Number.  It was noted however that pupil numbers in the city could increase due to proposed housing developments within City school catchment areas.


The Head of Policy and Resources (Education) reported to Members that whilst the primary school roll was reducing the roll for secondary schools was currently peaking but would then decline.  However, it was expected that roll numbers in Further Education would continue to rise due to larger year groups being fed through and an increasing staying on rate.


Members were informed that the percentage of pupils from an ethic background other than British remained small at 2.3%.  This represented a small increase on figures from 2003.


Concerning proposed housing development, the Committee noted the need to monitor the impact of development at Putson (Hereford) on schools as the new development was being increased by 100 houses to 500.


Members then discussed the need for a new primary school in Leominster with regard to the new proposed housing development at Barons Cross in the west of the town.  After much discussion Members decided that a more detailed debate should be initiated regarding the future pattern of primary school provision in Leominster.






(a)   the statistical update contained in Appendices 1 - 5 of the report be issued to consultees for information and comment;


(b)   the Committee confirm their support for a primary school at Staunton-on-Wye;


(c)   the Committee request a review of primary school provision in Hereford City be undertaken and the results of the review be reported at the next meeting;




(d)   a debate be initiated on the future pattern of primary school provision in Leominster.

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