Agenda item


To receive a presentation by Angela Daniels on the HMI Conference concerning RE co-ordinators in Primary Schools.


SACRE received a presentation by Mrs A. Daniels on the HMI Conference concerning RE Co-ordinators in Primary Schools.


Mrs Daniels reported that the key speakers at the conference had been Barbara Wintersgill, Geoff Teece and Liz Townsend.  The conference had also involved workshops and plenary sessions.


Mrs Daniels highlighted the following main points raised by the speakers:

  • Barbara Wintersgill (HMI) reported to the group that whilst considerable improvement in primary RE had been made, there were still aspects requiring further improvement.  Weaknesses lay in support for pupils with Special Educational Need (SEN); gifted/talented pupils and in assessment.
  • Is RE different? – Barbara Wintersgill further reported that in some cases RE was seen by pupils and teachers as a less work intensive subject; teachers may be less confident to support or explore the subject when it wasn’t their main teaching subject; the subject may still be suffering from a ‘Sunday School’ image; and the subject may be perceived as a soft option for exams.
  • What can be done to improve RE? – teachers needed to be confident in the subject to ensure that they planned meaningful lessons in accordance with a clear Agreed Syllabus, that was in line with the curriculum.  Assessment was not primarily to do with tests.  ‘Level descriptors’ should be used in accordance with the syllabus.  The level of resources could be improved, including the variety available e.g. artefacts; the better use of appropriate materials and the use of pupils, parents or teachers with a knowledge in a specific faith. 
  • Inspiring colleagues to teach well – adequate time, training and professional resources should be given to teachers to ensure that they understand what RE is and how it links to national strategies.
  • RE should be about understanding oneself and other people; be interesting, exciting, useful and relevant to today’s issues and be thought provoking.


SACRE acknowledged that a great deal of good RE teaching was being done in schools.  They debated a number of areas where further improvements could be made including the possible employment by the LEA of a specific advisor for RE who could go out to schools to advise and encourage the development of the subject.  The Head of Inspection, Advice and School Performance Service commented that unfortunately the LEA worked within financial constraints and had to assess the level of resource provision across the whole curriculum.  The Committee noted the comment and wondered whether this reflected the status of RE when compared to other subjects e.g. Maths or English.


SACRE agreed that there were other methods of supporting the teaching of RE namely: the ability for schools to ‘buy in’ the services of the RE Consultant; the provision of guidance by SACRE; the opportunity to hear key speakers and to ‘network’ at the SACRE Annual Conference and through the support of SACRE outlined in the SACRE Development Plan.


In relation to the Annual Conference it was suggested that a short session be organised specifically aimed at headteachers, to highlight the many points raised earlier in the item concerning the problems of teaching RE.


The Chairman thanked Mrs. Daniels for her informative presentation.


RESOLVED: That the presentation on the HMI Conference concerning RE Co-ordinators in Primary Schools be noted.