Agenda item

P141538/F Land at The Willows, Powgreen, nr Bosbury

Proposed change of use of land from agriculture to a one family travellers site, with stationing of one static mobile home, two touring caravans, new access, ablution block and septic tank.


The application was approved in accordance with the Case Officer’s recommendation, with provision for consultation with the Chairman and the local ward member.


(Proposed change of use of land from agriculture to a one family travellers site, with stationing of one static mobile home, two touring caravans, new access, ablution block and septic tank.)

The Senior Planning Officer gave a presentation on the application.  He reported that one further letter of support for the Scheme had been received.

In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mr J Hughes, a representative of some local residents spoke in spoke in objection to the Scheme. 

In accordance with paragraph of the Council’s Constitution, Councillor AW Johnson, one of the two local ward members, spoke on the application.

He commented that the Parish Council had no objection in principle.  However, it had had some concerns regarding the scale of the drawings submitted with the application which had made it hard for the Parish Council to form a judgment on the application.  He supported the Parish Council’s request that more detailed drawings should be submitted prior to a decision being made.  He noted also that a Government Consultation: “Planning and Travellers - proposed changes to planning policy and guidance”, was shortly to be concluded.  He therefore suggested that it would be appropriate for the Committee to defer consideration of the matter.

The debate opened and the following principal points were made:

·         Some concern was expressed about the ability to ensure that conditions on the application were adhered to and enforced.

·         There was criticism that planning policy countenanced applications of this nature in open countryside locations.

·         The argument advanced in the report that the application represented sustainable development was questioned.

·         The Transportation Manager’s assessment that there was no objection on highway grounds was supported.  Reference was made to observation of the behaviour of traffic on the site visit.

·         It was noted that the applicants had longstanding connections to the local area, owned the land and contributed to the local economy.

·         There remained a shortfall in provision of pitches for Gypsies and Travellers.

·         It was noted, with reference to the representations made by the Parish Council, that the report stated that the plans that had been submitted were of an appropriate, acceptable accuracy and detail.

·         The applicants had submitted the application prior to seeking to undertake any development and appeared willing to comply with conditions.

·         The development was of a sensible scale and utilised a modest proportion of the entire site.

·         It was proposed that the application should be supported and conditions finalised after consultation with the Chairman and local ward member.

The Senior Planning Officer responded to questions.  He clarified the landscaping conditions.  He also confirmed that the Government’s consultation on “Planning and Travellers - proposed changes to planning policy and guidance” was to conclude on 23 November.  However, it was understood that significant objections on the basis that proposals breached the Human Rights Act were already being prepared.  There were a number of other single sites already around the village and the existence of an existing local authority site had no bearing on the application.

The Development Manager commented that the application had been submitted in accordance with the correct procedure.  The authority was moving towards meeting the number of pitches required and applications of this nature contributed to that process. The provision of sufficient pitches would increase the authority’s ability to take enforcement action if required on unauthorised sites.

The local ward member was given the opportunity to close the debate.  He welcomed the proposal to consult the Chairman and him on the conditions.  The applicants were from a respected extended family that played an active part in the community.  It would, however, be important to ensure that the conditions restricting additional development were enforced.

RESOLVED: That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions and any further conditions considered necessary, after consultation with the Chairman and the local ward member.



A01 - Time limit for commencement (full permission)



B02 - Development in accordance with approved plans and materials



G02 - Retention of trees and hedgerows



G09 - Details of Boundary treatments



G10 - Landscaping scheme



G11 - Landscaping scheme – implementation



H03 - Visibility splays



H13 - Access, turning area and parking



Restrictive occupancy condition



Limitation on number of caravans



Restriction on size of caravans



Defining area caravans can be located in



Colour and finish of caravans and ancillary structures





The Local Planning Authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this application by assessing the proposal against planning policy and any other material considerations, including any representations that have been received. It has subsequently determined to grant planning permission in accordance with the presumption in favour of sustainable development, as set out within the National Planning Policy Framework.


HN04 - Private apparatus within highway (Compliance with the New Roads and Streetworks Act 1991,  the Traffic Management Act 2004 and the Highways Act 1980)



HN28 - Highways Design Guide and Specification



HN05 - Works within the highway  (Compliance with the Highways Act 1980 and the Traffic Management Act 2004)


Supporting documents: