Agenda item

Task and Finish Group Report - Household Recycling Centres

To consider the findings of the scrutiny Task and Finish Group - Household Recycling Centres and to recommend the report to the Executive for consideration.


The purpose of this item was to consider the findings of the Task and Finish Group - Household Recycling Centres and, subject to agreement by the committee, to recommend the report to the Executive for consideration.


The Vice-Chairman, having chaired the task and finish group, introduced the report and made the following comments:


i.        Household Recycling Centres (HRCs) were provided in Herefordshire and Worcestershire for residents to recycle and dispose of their household waste; the facilities were operated by Severn Waste Services (part of Mercia Waste Management) on behalf of the two authorities.  A Commercial Vehicle and Trailer Permit Scheme was in place at all the HRCs.


ii.       A site user survey had been undertaken, with questionnaires available at the HRCs and on the council’s website, with 324 responses received.  Given the level of interest in the topic and the issues raised, the scope and timing of the group’s report had been extended slightly.  This had ultimately resulted in 23 recommendations being put forward in the report.


iii.      The group had been informed that changes to the permit scheme from 1 October 2013 had not resulted in increased levels of fly-tipping but this would need to be monitored as the growing season progressed.


iv.      Minor amendments were identified and corrected: page 77 of the agenda, monitoring of implementation of agreed recommendations, should refer to March 2014 2015; and page 80, Q4 should refer to ‘other swaste(s)’.


v.       Worcestershire County Council was awaiting the findings of this report to inform its own review of the scheme.


The Waste Disposal Team Leader said that the work of the group was welcomed, especially as feedback from service users had been obtained in a relatively short space of time, with an overwhelmingly positive response both in terms of numbers and levels of satisfaction with the service; 77.7% of respondents considered that the sites were managed effectively.  It was noted that one of the group’s recommendations was that further site surveys should be undertaken and this was something that the team was keen to take forward.  Alexandra Nicholas was thanked formally for the comprehensive support that she had provided to the group.


In response to comments from committee members, the Waste Disposal Team Leader advised that:


1.       The permit scheme was now operated by Worcestershire’s customer services department and, whilst considerable savings had been achieved, both waste teams were experiencing some issues with obtaining reports.  The Vice-Chairman noted the need to address the issues identified in the report collectively for the benefit of residents in both counties.


2.       With a significant contract variation concluded in relation to the Energy from Waste Plant, work on other matters could now be progressed, including a new HRC at Kington.  It was noted that Powys County Council was interested in discussing reciprocal arrangements for HRC use by residents on both sides of the border.


3.       Although the recommendation to research the viability of a north Hereford city HRC was noted, it was considered that there was a very good network of HRCs in the county currently and there were considerable costs associated with new HRC provision.


4.       The group’s report had been forwarded to Worcestershire County Council but there had not yet been an opportunity to discuss the recommendations.


The Cabinet Member Contracts and Assets commented that the group’s report and its recommendations, once agreed by the committee, would need to be assessed by the Executive and a response provided.  He said that the Executive needed to be cautious about any measures that might put a greater degree of cost upon Herefordshire Council.


5.       Encouraging the reuse of items was supported and opportunities to enhance facilities at HRCs for this purpose would be explored further.


6.       Evidence from Worcestershire district councils showed that waste coming into HRCs did increase immediately following the introduction of fortnightly bin collections but ultimately dropped off as residents became used to the change in collection frequency.  It was noted that site operatives were diligent in checking materials entering the HRCs.  The Waste Disposal Team Leader commented on the value of HRCs, particularly the high levels of recycling achieved.


The Vice-Chairman drew attention to paragraph 6 of the group’s report and noted that it was disappointing that waste regulations currently prevented helpful citizens from carrying and disposing of waste on behalf of elderly or disabled people in the community, even if authorised to do so by an appropriate local body.




(a)     The report of the Task and Finish Group - Household Recycling Centres be agreed and the findings be submitted to the Executive for consideration; and


(b)     The Executive’s response to the review be reported to the first available meeting of the committee after the Executive has approved its response.

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