Agenda item

131529/F Land adjacent to Tadpole Cottage, Eardisland, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 9AR

New sustainable live/work dwelling with ancillary outbuilding.



Authority was granted to approve the application, subject to further clarification of aspects of the application, and to attach amended conditions as necessary.


The Principal Planning Officer gave a presentation on the application, and updates/additional representations received following the publication of the agenda were provided in the update sheet, as appended to these Minutes.  The update included an additional proposed condition.  The Principal Planning Officer added that if the Committee was minded to approve the application it was also proposed that permitted development rights be removed.

In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mr A Sheffield of Eardisland Parish Council spoke in broad support of the Scheme.  Mrs C Aldred, a resident, spoke in objection.  Mrs M Albright, the applicant, spoke in support.

In accordance with paragraph of the Council’s Constitution, Councillor MJK Cooper, the local ward member, spoke on the application.

He commented on a number of issues including:

·         He noted that the Parish Council supported the application subject to conditions being met.  However, a number of local residents were concerned about the proposal.  The principal concern was that the development would exacerbate flooding problems experienced in the area.  There was evidence that the site had flooded and the Environment Agency had not taken account of this.  The numerous drafts of the report indicated a level of uncertainty about the scheme and the published report was inconclusive and did not provide categoric assurances to discount the potential flood risk.  In his view the flood risk assessment should be discounted.  Whilst the proposed building might itself be above flood waters, the technical assessments could not prove that water would not be displaced to the detriment of neighbouring properties

·         He suggested that if the Committee was not minded to refuse the application a deferral should be considered to allow further consideration of the technical aspects of the scheme.  If the Committee was minded to approve the application stronger conditions were required.

The debate opened and the following principal points were made:

In response to questions the Principal Planning Officer commented that the site was not classified as an isolated dwelling because it was immediately adjacent to the village and the settlement boundary.  Paragraph 55 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) did not therefore apply.  He considered that the proposal would help to sustain and grow an existing local business in accordance with paragraph 28 of the NPPF.

He added that the technical advice from the Environment Agency was clear.  The Agency did not object to the proposal, did not consider that the scheme would cause further flooding and in fact concluded that the scheme would provide flood betterment.  The Agency had also taken the unusual step of having its advice independently reviewed. 

Technical advice was that the proposed biodisc system was acceptable.  Its resilience if there were to be flooding was questioned.

The risk of flooding and the displacement of floodwater was a concern.  There appeared to be some contradiction in the report with the suggestion that the site would not flood sitting alongside a requirement for a flood evacuation plan.  Paragraph 6.15 of the report stated that significant parts of the application site and the village were prone to flood events.  It was noted in reply that the evacuation plan was proposed to address a circumstance where the development was cut off by floodwater; it was not being suggested that the dwelling itself would flood.  The precise location of the property itself was outside the flood zone.  The flooding was mainly fluvial and the property would not form a barrier to the dispersal of floodwater.

It was noted that the proposed condition 10 required the access road to be constructed in accordance with existing ground levels.

The attributes of the scheme were noted.

It was considered that deferring a decision would be of little benefit as officers considered all avenues had been adequately explored.

The Development Manager reminded the Committee of the outcome of a recent appeal for an application at land off Breinton Lee, Kings Acre Road, Hereford where the inspector had given weight to the advice of the statutory consultees on drainage issues and awarded costs against the Council

The local ward member was given the opportunity to close the debate.  He reiterated his concerns about flooding.

A number of grounds for refusal were put forward by Members, including concerns about the effectiveness of the flood plan and the biodisc system, development in the open countryside contrary to policy H7, and paragraph 100 of the NPPF relating to controlling inappropriate development in an area at risk of flooding.

The Development Manager commented that if the Committee wished to refuse the application, policy DR7 (flood risk) should be advanced as a ground for refusal and not the equivalent policy in the emerging Core Strategy.  However, Members appeared to be basing a proposal for refusal solely on a technical ground.  It had not been suggested in the debate that there was anything inherently unsustainable about the design of the scheme or its locational impact.  He expressed concern about the Authority’s ability to defend an appeal on flood grounds.

A motion that the application be refused was lost after the Chairman exercised his casting vote, stating that in doing so he was taking particular account of the Development Manager’s advice.

A proposal was made that authority should be delegated to officers to approve the application, but that there should be consultation with the Chairman and the local ward member over flood risk assumptions and the operation of biodisc systems in flood events and amended conditions attached as necessary.

RESOLVED:  That authority be delegated to officers named in the scheme of delegation to officers after consultation with the Chairman and local ward member to approve the application, subject to further clarification in respect of flood risk assumptions and the operation of biodisc systems in flood events and attach amended conditions to those listed below as may be necessary.



The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of one year from the date of this permission


Reason: To comply with the provisions of Section 91(1) (b) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) and to reflect the decision of the Local Planning Authority on 4th March 2009 to suspend (effective from 1st April 2009) the requirements of the Authority's 'Planning Obligations' Supplementary Planning Document (February 2008) in relation to residential developments of five dwellings or less          



B01 – Development in accordance with approved plans



C01 – Sample of external materials



G10 – Landscaping scheme



G11 – Landscaping scheme - implementation



G14 – Landscape management plan



H03 – Visibility splays



H05 – Access gates



Floor levels shall be set at a level of at least 85.50m AOD as outlined in the FRA produced by Hydrologic (Report Ref: K0394/1_Rev 0, Sept 2013).


Reason: To protect the development from flooding and to comply with Policy DR7 of the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan and Paragraphs 100 to 103 of the National Planning Policy Framework.



The access road hereby permitted shall be constructed in accordance with existing ground levels and shall remain at this level in perpetuity.


Reason: To ensure that there will be no increased risk of flooding to land or property due to impedance of flood flows and/or reduction of flood storage capacity and to comply with Policy DR7 of the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan and Paragraphs 100 to 103 of the National Planning Policy Framework.



I55 – Site waste management plan



M03 – Compensatory flood storage works





M05 – No storage of materials in 1% floodplain plus climate change



Prior to the occupation of the development, an Evacuation Management Plan shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority in consultation with the local authority’s Emergency Planning Officer.  The plan shall include a map of both primary and secondary access routes along with guidelines for the maintenance of markers that should be visible under all flooding conditions.  It shall also include details of the permanent retention of the plan at the property and a timetable for its revision. The approved measures shall be retained in perpetuity.


Reason: To minimise flood related danger to people in the flood risk area and to comply with Policy DR7 of the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan and the National Planning Policy Framework



Permitted Development Rights shall be removed.






The Local Planning Authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this application by assessing the proposal against planning policy and any other material considerations. Negotiations in respect of matters of concern with the application (as originally submitted) have resulted in amendments to the proposal.  As a result, the Local Planning Authority has been able to grant planning permission for an acceptable proposal, in accordance with the presumption in favour of sustainable development, as set out within the National Planning Policy Framework.



HN04 – Private apparatus within the highway



HN28 – Highway design guide and specification



HN05 – Works with the highway


(The meeting adjourned between 11.25 am and 11.35 am)



Supporting documents: