Agenda item


Two Notices of Motion have been received.





Proposed by Councillor AM Atkinson and seconded by Councillor NP Nenadich.


A Herefordshire University would bring a wide range of benefits to the county including supporting economic growth through the development locally of relevant higher level skills; encouraging younger people to study and work in the county; and contributing to the vibrancy of the county.


This Council welcomes the developing proposals to establish a university in Hereford, and the wide support being generated for the proposals.This Council requests the Executive to identify the most appropriate way in which the council can assist in securing the future of higher education in the county.





Proposed by Councillor FM Norman and seconded by Councillor NP Nenadich.


This Council calls on the Executive to consider how it can, through planning and other housing policies, influence the design of new housing, (especially affordable housing), and encourage builders to adopt the highest possible energy efficiency standards, Passivhaus, AECB Silver Standard or similar.


Orientation and suitability for renewable energy systems, especially passive solar and large-scale active solar should also be included at the design stage of any development.





With the increasingly urgent need to reduce our carbon footprint, the spiralling cost of fuel, growing fuel poverty, and locally low incomes, we need to be positively influencing the quality of housing being built in Herefordshire.


The potential cost of retrofitting inadequate older homes is massive. We need to start now in ensuring that all new homes are built to the highest possible standards, including Passivhaus with potential savings of 90% of current heating costs (and 50% of electricity bills for lighting and appliances). This avoids at least the cost of retrofitting post-2014 home construction.


In setting high energy efficiency standards, Herefordshire Council can also stimulate demand for energy efficient homes and low-carbon technologies, leading to associated local apprenticeships, training and jobs.



NPPF States:


95. To support the move to a low carbon future, local planning authorities should:


* plan for new developments and ways which reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


* when setting any local requirements for a building’s sustainability, do so in a way consistent with the government’s zero carbon buildings policy and adopt nationally described standards.


96. In determining planning applications, local planning authorities should expect new development to:


* Take account of landform, layout, building orientation, massing and landscaping to minimise energy consumption.”


Core Strategy Objectives, Figure 3.1:


(Social Progress)


“To meet the needs of all sections of the community (especially those in need of affordable housing), by providing a range of quality, energy efficient homes in the right place at the right time.”


Further information from: and


Notice of Motion One – A Herefordshire University


Councillor Atkinson proposed the Notice of Motion and made the following comments:


·         A new university fitted in with the new development in Herefordshire.  The City and the County would become the campus for the university.

·         It would help fill the demographic gap and bring young people into the County.

·         There was a need to designate land in the city for the project and Councillors needed to show their support for this multi million pound project.


Councillor Nenadich seconded the Notice of Motion and made the following comments:


·         He informed Council of the historic academic connections between Hereford and Oxford University.

·         It was proposed that the university would build on local assets – life sciences, defence and engineering – and fitted with the proposals for the enterprise zone.

·         The intention for the future was to establish an international reputation and to both retain young people and encourage them to move to the County.


The following points were made in discussion:


·         Several Councillors spoke to endorse the proposal for a university believing it to be an impressive and inspiring vision for the County.

·         A university would raise the standards in the County’s schools and create aspirations.

·         In response to a question on any transfer of assets to the university project, Council was advised that the enterprise board would be looking to lease any assets to avoid any potential losses should the project not come to fruition.

·         Council was reminded of the forthcoming seminar for all Councillors on the university project.

·         It was suggested that there should be regular briefing notes to Councillors so that, as community leaders, they could be ambassadors for the project.

·         That consideration should be given to making a bid to the Local Enterprise Partnership as an infrastructure priority.

·         The Council’s budget had included proposals to sell £60m of assets to minimise capital borrowing.  Assurance was sought that in transferring such assets to the university project, there would be no double counting.  The Chief Financial Officer stated everything would be done to ensure assets were properly protected.  He added that any assets given to the university project were not the same as those referred to in the budget for disposal. 

·         Councillor Bramer, Cabinet Member Contracts and Assets gave an assurance that the assets to be disposed of in the budget would not include the assets to be transferred to the university project.


Councillor Atkinson, as proposer of the Notice of Motion, stated his agreement with the points raised regarding the Council’s assets and expressed his thanks to Karen Usher, as volunteer project director, for the work she had done.


Council supported the Notice of Motion.  There was one abstention.


RESOLVED:  That this Council welcomes the developing proposals to establish a university in Hereford and the wide support being generated for the proposals.  This Council requests the Executive to identify the most appropriate way in which the Council can assist in securing the future of higher education in the County.



Notice of Motion Two – Energy Efficiency Standards


The Chairman informed Council that Councillor Nenadich had withdrawn his support for the Notice of Motion, which would now be seconded by Councillor Bowen.


Councillor Norman proposed the Notice of Motion and made the following comments:


·         The Councillor was disappointed that Councillor Nenadich no longer felt able to second the Notice of Motion.

·         She agreed there were some encouraging points made in the Core Strategy, but did not feel it set out a specific energy efficiency policy for everyone to adhere to.

·         Currently there is a large stock of poor quality housing in the County.  A move to a specific energy efficiency policy would help residents with their energy bills.

·         It was economically sensible to ensure future housing is of good quality and localising the supply chain would also help the local economy.

·         She stated she was asking for a specific policy which set out high standards for energy efficient homes.


Councillor Bowen seconded the Notice of Motion and made the following comments:


·         Members would be aware of the number of times he had spoken at Council about raising energy efficiency standards. 

·         There was a need to act on this motion to put the highest energy efficiency standards into homes in the County.


The following points were made in discussion:


·         Councillor Nenadich apologised for withdrawing as seconder of the Notice of Motion but noted that most of the points made in the Notice of Motion were contained within the Core Strategy.  He agreed that there was a need for homes to be more energy efficient and affordable.

·         Energy conservation must be part of the Core Strategy, but not the sole issue.

·         There were a number of developers interested in developments in Herefordshire, therefore, now was the time to insist on building to the highest standard.

·         Policy SD1 was already in place in the Core Strategy and provided a comprehensive overview on energy efficiency for new builds.

·         Council was generally in support of the Notice of Motion but concern was raised over the last sentence and it was suggested that a slight amendment would help in gaining Council’s support for the Notice of Motion.


Councillor Norman proposed an amendment to the final sentence, which was to remove the word ‘included’ and replace it with ‘considered’.  Councillor Bowen seconded the amendment to the Notice of Motion.


Orientation and suitability for renewable energy systems, especially passive solar and large-scale active solar should also be included considered at the design stage of any development.


Following a named vote Council approved the Notice of Motion with:



For                   46

Against            00

Abstain            03


Councillors for the Notice of Motion:

Barnett, Andrews, Atkinson, Attwood, Bartrum, Blackshaw, Bowen, Bramer, Bridges, Chappell, Chave, Durkin, Edwards, Guthrie, Hardwick, Harvey, Hope, Hyde, James, Johnson, Jones, Kenyon, Knipe, Lester, Lloyd-Hayes, Matthews, Mayo, McCaull, Michael, Millar, Nenadich, Nicholls, Norman, Norris, North, Phillips, Powell, Powers, Preece, Price, Robertson, Rone, Seldon, Sinclair-Knipe, Stone and Taylor.


There were no Councillors against the Notice of Motion.



Cutter, Morgan and Wilcox.



RESOLVED:  That the Executive consider how it can, through planning and other housing policies, influence the design of new housing, (especially affordable housing), and encourage builders to adopt the highest possible energy efficiency standards, Passivhaus, AECB Silver Standard or similar.  Orientation and suitability for renewable energy systems, especially passive solar and large-scale active solar should also be considered at the design stage of any development.