Agenda item

S122304/F - Whitehall Farm, Hampton Bishop, Herefordshire

Change of use to accommodate six mobile homes (retrospective).


The Committee approved the continued use of the six mobile homes by the current occupants, contrary to the case officer’s recommendation, subject to conditions.


(Councillor MAF Hubbard declared a non-pecuniary interest and withdrew from the meeting for the duration of this item.)


The Chairman advised that because they related to the same premises and the same applicant there would be a single presentation on application S122304/F, published as agenda item 10 on the agenda, and application S122305/F, published as agenda item 11 on the agenda.  There would be a single public speaking time allowed as only the applicant had registered to speak.  A separate vote would then be taken on each application.


The Development Manager - Enforcement gave a presentation on both applications.  He referred to additional representations set out in the schedule of committee updates, as appended to these minutes.  He added that an informative needed to be added to the recommendation for application S122304/F stating that the Authority had acted positively and proactively in determining the application.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mr Rogers, the applicant, spoke in support of both applications.


In accordance with paragraph of the Council’s Constitution, Councillor J Hardwick, the local ward member, spoke on both applications.  He commented on a number of issues including:


·         Farm diversification was to be encouraged.

·         The Parish Council had no comment on either application.

·         Two local residents had written in support of both applications.

·         The caravans were well concealed.

·         There had been little trouble associated with the caravans.

·         He was disappointed that the applications were retrospective but in essence he supported them.

The debate opened and the following principal points were made:


·         Members had undertaken a site visit and observed that the caravans were well sheltered from view.

·         It was proposed that the current occupants of the six caravans (application S122304/F) should be permitted to stay, with the caravans being removed after that point.  The Development Manager commented that it was questionable as to whether this condition could be enforced.

·         That policy provided that application S122304/F should be refused.  It was suggested that support could be offered to the current occupants to find housing and they could remain for some months while this happened.

·         The Head of Neighbourhood Development commented on the application of policy H7.

·         The Development Manager - Enforcement commented that the Committee would be unlikely to approve the building of a house in the location of the six caravans and expressed concern that granting permission would set a precedent.  He noted that there would be a period of 12 months to comply with an enforcement notice.

The local ward member was given the opportunity to close the debate.  He reiterated support for the applications.




That planning permission be granted subject to conditions to the effect that: no new occupants be permitted to reside at the site; and in the event that any current residents no longer reside at the site, with the effect that a mobile home is left empty (for a period in excess of one month), the said structure be removed and subject to conditions deemed necessary by officers named in the scheme of delegation to officers.

Supporting documents: