Agenda item

130870/N - Leadon Court Farm, Fromes Hill, Herefordshire, HR8 1QJ

Construction and the installation of 2 no. concealed underground water treatment tanks in connection with processing diluted waste wine and soil drains from the existing wine distillery business. Minor adjustments to existing landscape mound to form and construct a relief car parking area.


The application was approved in accordance with the case officer’s recommendation.


The Principal Planning Officer gave a presentation on the application and updates / additional representations received following the publication of the agenda were provided in the update sheet.




That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1.         A01 Time limit for commencement (full permission)


2.         B01 Development in accordance with the approved plans


3.         The external surface of the above-ground kiosk shall be coloured Midnight Green (BS4800 12B29) or a similar dark colour to be approved in writing in advance by the local planning authority.


Reason: To protect the visual amenity of the area and to ensure the development complies with policy DR1 of the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan.


4.         G02 Retention of trees and hedgerows


5.         G09 Details of Boundary treatments


6.         The waste-water treatment plant hereby approved shall not be brought into use unless or until a scheme for the final discharge of treated effluent has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority.  The scheme shall include details of the method of discharge and the means of disposal.


Reason:  To ensure satisfactory final drainage arrangements are provided and to prevent pollution, in accordance with policy DR4 of the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan.


7.         G11 Implementation of submitted landscaping scheme


8.         H15 Turning and parking: change of use - commercial


9.         I32 Details of floodlighting/external lighting


Reason for Approval


1.         The proposal has been considered with reference to all the key issues outlined in this report, including site choice and the overall low risk of adverse effects.  Particular regard has been given to the wine-making farm diversification project and the clear need for adequate management of waste water and pollution prevention, along with improvements to car parking arrangements. Drainage aspects are regulated by the Environment Agency through consents and permits issued by that body.  There is no reason to suppose that the proposal is not capable of compliance, and the finer operational detail lies outside of the planning system.  National and local policies support sustainable development and the rural economy.


The applicant sought pre-application advice in advance of submission.  The local planning authority has engaged in positive, pro-active negotiation through this provision.  The applicant has heeded the written and verbal advice given.  No objections have been received. In light of this the proposal is considered to accord with, or be capable of compliance with, policies S1, S2, S10, DR1, DR2, DR4, DR7, DR14, T8, T11, LA2, LA5, LA6, NC1, W1 and CF2 of the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan.  It is also considered to accord with the National Planning Policy Framework with particular reference to paragraphs 6 to 14, section 3 (Supporting a prosperous rural economy) and section 11 (Conserving and enhancing the natural environment).  Paragraphs 120 to 125 stress the need to prevent pollution and meet environmental protection legislation.  As a result, the local planning authority has been able to grant planning permission subject to conditions.




1.         N11C General


2.         Final discharge is subject to additional Environment Agency consent.  The effluent treatment system hereby approved may not be implemented unless or until such permits and consents as are required have been issued, in addition to submission and approval of final discharge methodology required under condition 6 above.

Supporting documents: