Agenda item

Consultation on the Review of the Complaints and Feedback Policy and Procedure

To invite the Audit and Governance Committee to comment on the operation of the Council’s policy and procedures for handling complaints, comments and compliments.


The Head of Communications and Engagement reported that the Council had a ‘Policy and Procedure for Making Experiences Count’ and Cabinet would review the document at its meeting on 13 June 2013; the existing policy was attached as Appendix A to the report.  In accordance with the Constitution (paragraph d refers), the Audit and Governance Committee was being consulted on the review and observations were sought from Members.


The Head of Communications and Engagement made the following points:


1.       The existing policy had been shared with NHS Herefordshire and consequently required some updating.

2.       A small team, the Customer Insight Unit, managed the process and, supported by a specialist software module, was able to monitor and report on aspects of how complaints were handled.

3.       The team provided a single point of contact with complainants and co-ordinated responses from across the authority.

4.       There was a single-stage procedure for most areas of the Council; for children’s services, a three-stage complaints procedure was operated, as proscribed in law.

5.       It was clarified that the statement in the report that ‘(for 2012/13), 60% of complaints were responded to within the timescales set out in the policy…’ referred to final response letters and that 100% had been acknowledged in accordance with the policy.

6.       With reference to Appendix B to the report (Annual CIU Report – 2012/13), it was reported that the authority had good statistical data but, at this stage, could not necessarily demonstrate how the procedure improved services or how satisfied complainants were with the process.


Committee Members made comments and asked questions, in response the Head of Communications and Engagement advised:


i.        The customer relationship management software had been introduced recently, therefore 2012/13 was the first full year of data and this would provide the baseline going forward.

ii.       By volume, most complaints were about public realm functions, such as highways maintenance, but these could be relatively straightforward.  Whereas fewer complaints were received about adult social care but these were often complex and difficult to resolve.

iii.      The importance of proper category assignment was noted.  It was reported that the data for Hoople did not all relate to Hoople itself, it also included services delivered by Hoople on behalf of the Council.


A Committee Member noted the potential value of the statistical data for complaints and compliments in each service area and suggested that this could be compiled into a single, summary sheet for wider circulation.


Another Committee Member questioned how the service obtained feedback from complainants.  The Head of Communications and Engagement said that forms had been sent out after the resolution of a complaint but very few were returned, therefore this practice was suspended during the previous year.  However, it was acknowledged that the reasons for low levels of response should be reviewed.


In response to further questions, the Head of Communications and Engagement clarified that the existing policy had been drafted to cover NHS Herefordshire but, since April 2013, the main interaction with health was with Wye Valley NHS Trust in respect of adult social sare; there was no statutory requirement for the Customer Insight Unit but it seemed logical and convenient that a single team, with the necessary skills and expertise, co-ordinate responses on behalf of the authority; and there had not been any adverse findings by the Local Government Ombudsman since the policy had been introduced.


RESOLVED:  That the observations of the Audit and Governance Committee be forwarded to Cabinet to inform its review of the policy and procedure.

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