Agenda item


To consider the establishing of the Herefordshire Health and Wellbeing Board.



Councillor PM Morgan, Cabinet Member, Health and Wellbeing presented the report, reminding Council that the Health and Wellbeing Board is a unique committee of the Council and therefore should not be viewed in the same way as the other committees and was not a forum for establishing Council policy.The Board had met in shadow form to date and the report set out the proposed governance arrangements for it as discussed so far.


The Cabinet Member moved that the recommendations in the report be accepted with recommendation “d” to state that the Vice-Chairman be appointed by the Board, the motion was seconded by Councillor JW Millar.


In discussion the following points were made:


·              There was concern that there was no representative from a body dealing with palliative care.

·              It was proposed that voting rights be extended to all members of the Board.

·              That representatives from the youth, service users, arts and spiritual sectors were not currently included.

·              Membership needed to be considered carefully and that careful consideration should be given to membership.


Councillor MAF Hubbard proposed a motion that the recommendations be amended:


1.           Replacing the requirement that only core members be able to vote with all members of the Board being able to vote.

2.           Adding a further recommendation, “g” that “in the first year the Board examines its own membership and to consider including users of the services.”

3.           Recommendation “d” be amended to reflect appointment of an independent chairman supported by Cabinet Members.


The motion was seconded by Councillor MD Lloyd-Hayes.


In  debate, the following points were made:


·              It was noted the report stated that once the Board is established it has the power to appoint further persons.

·              That the number of issues requiring a vote should be few in practice.

·              That this body was designed to operate at a strategic level and could commission the views of service users as and when necessary.

·              Membership of the Board has evolved organically to date and the size of the Board has to be balanced against the work programme.

·              That there was a representative from the community and voluntary sector already on the Board, which was omitted from the list.

·              The members of the Board had chosen the restricted voting option.

·              That as a committee of the Council it was appropriate for the Cabinet Member to be the Chairman.

·              The Board has the option to co-opt as they think appropriate.

·              That there was a Council-heavy voting presence in the proposed arrangements.

·              That the members of the Board would not be paid any allowance or expenses.


Councillor MAF Hubbard withdrew the proposed amendment for an independent chairman.


The vote was then taken on the proposed amendments to the recommendations as follows:


First amendment: Replacing core members only being able to vote with all members of the Board being able to vote.

                                      For:11         Against:36       Abstentions: Nil


      Second amendment: Adding a further recommendation, “g” that “in the first year   the Board examines its own membership to consider including users of the services.”

                                      For: 8          Against:36       Abstentions:3


The vote on the original motion was taken as follows:


                                     For:33 Against:8         Abstentions:1




a)      The Herefordshire Health and Wellbeing Board be formally established.


b)      The draft terms of reference as appended be approved.


c)      The Membership of the Board to consist of :-



Two Herefordshire Councillors nominated by the Council’s Leader

Herefordshire Council’s Director of Adult Social Services (Post held by the Director for People’s Services)

Herefordshire Council’s Director of Children’s Services (Post held by the Director for People’s Services)

Herefordshire Council’s Director of Public Health

A representative of Herefordshire Healthwatch

A representative of the Herefordshire Clinical Commissioning Group.



A representative of NHS Commissioning Board Local Area Team

A representative of a carers support organisation

The Chief Executive of Herefordshire Council

A representative of 2Gether NHS Foundation Trust

A representative of Wye Valley NHS Trust

A representative of West Mercia Police

A representative of the business community in Herefordshire

A representative of the care and community sector


d)      The Chairman be the Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing and the Vice-Chairman be chosen by the Board


e)      Only the core statutory members of the Board have voting rights.


f)       The Monitoring Officer be authorised to make any necessary consequential amendments to the Council’s Constitution.

Supporting documents: