Agenda item


To receive a presentation on web-based technologies (digital channels) and;

·         To update members on progress of the digital channels work.

·         To introduce members to the approach being considered to future web development projects.

·         To update members on the options being considered around the wider role of technology in communications, engagement and service delivery.






The Committee received a presentation on web-based technologies (digital channels) and;

·         Were updated on the progress of the digital channels work.

·         Considered the approach being considered to future web development projects; and

·         Received an update on the options being considered around the wider role of technology in communications, engagement and service delivery.


The Head of Communications and Engagement (Interim) gave a presentation on web-based technologies, a copy of the hand-out for which has been placed in the Committee minute book.  The presentation summarised the work undertaken on the digital channels project; what had been achieved; what was still to be achieved and outlined the approach for the next phase of the digital channels work.


In the course of the presentation the following principal points were noted:


·         The project was part of a programme of work to improve customer services to enable services to be transacted online alongside improved phone and face to face contact.

·         A large number of services were to have been be (amended by the committee 8 April 2013) migrated to one site by the end of 2012.

·         Technology in use at the start of the project was expensive and therefore new platforms would be put in place to realise significant savings.

·         Risks had been identified that the project had a large number of dependencies to other work across public services in Herefordshire.  Constraints on resources impinged on the ability to deliver the project.

·         The initial project had been an 18 month time limited project expiring March 2013. The proposal would be a rolling piece of work for which resources still needed to be identified.

·         A new corporate web site was being developed in parallel with maintaining the current web site.

·         The proposal was to move to a constant development with constant improvements to the content, structure, design and functionality of the site. This would mean a move from the Council having a web site to the Council being the web site provided for the citizens.

·         The government term ‘digital by default’ intended to ensure that digital services would be excellent and therefore the first port of call for information or contact.

·         ‘Open data’ would mean making all useful data available to citizens.  This would mean a fundamental shift in corporate thinking.

·         Work will need to be prioritised and resourced.  However, as more contact was undertaken on-line this should lead to a reduction in the level of off-line (backroom) resources.


The Cabinet Member, Corporate Services, commented in respect of: the Councils web site when compared to others; that problems had been encountered in resourcing the project and that the authority would have to consider how to attract high calibre IT staff to drive the project further, thereby producing the expected efficiencies and savings.


A request was made that the new website be ‘Apple’ operating system compliant.


It was suggested that in view of the technical nature of the subject a Task & Finish Group be formed to undertake a review of the subject.


RESOLVED: That the presentation and information be noted and the Chairman be authorised to discus with officers the scope for a Task & Finish review and report back to a future meeting.


At 11.56am the Committee adjourned and resumed at approximately 12.10pm

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