Agenda item


To consider the contents of the draft Local Transport Plan 2013/14 to 2014/15 and provide comments to assist with its finalisation by Cabinet and adoption by full Council.


The Committee considered the draft Local Transport Plan 2013/14 to 2014/15 and provided comment to assist with its finalisation by Cabinet and adoption by Council.


One question had been received from Mrs Wegg-Prosser principally concerning the availability of information referred to in the report.  The written response, indicating that the reports were now available on the web site, had been circulated at the meeting and a copy has been placed in the committee minute book.


The Head of Transportation and Access circulated copies of a presentation hand out, copies of which have been places in the committee minute book.


The Cabinet Member (Education and Infrastructure) highlighted that the Plan: had been developed following extensive consultation with a range of stakeholders; included the delivery programme and refreshed transport policies, and following feedback had been simplified to provide greater clarity on actions and delivery. 


During the course of debate the following principal points were noted:


·         It was suggested that the rail infrastructure had not been sufficiently explored.  In response the Committee were informed that the Council had limited influence over the rail network or franchise companies.  Negotiations were held on a regional basis and a number of improvements either had or will be implemented. In relation to a possible rail service to Rotherwas feasibility work currently indicated that a high level of subsidy was required which could not be justified.

·         The cycle network needed to be attractive to encourage more users, however, the state of the roads with sizable potholes would dissuade many users.  Improvements and new routes (e.g. Connect2) were being delivered.

·         The Committee debated various aspects of highway repairs.  In response the Cabinet Member (Education and Infrastructure) commented that road defect reports were double that of January 2012.  The Council had currently made 5 claims under the Belwin Scheme for in excess of £2m. The Belwin Scheme related to emergency repair works and was therefore of a temporary nature.  He further commented that the Council would receive a specific grant of £1.584m to improve and extend the life of the road network.  This money will be used for preventative maintenance, capital works and would be prioritised for expenditure on C and unclassified roads.

·         Through its contracts or subsidies the Council influenced a great deal of the passenger transport in the County. The Committee noted that a review of passenger transport services would be undertaken. This would focus on the need to optimise the use of the network and get the most out of the capacity it can provide.  This would include whether services linked to the right destinations e.g. rail station to town centre, and links to park and share sites. The review will also encourage community engagement in delivering local solutions.  It was suggested that the Council should keep an overview of the local services while undertaking an enabler role.

·         Concerning air quality no reference was made to Nitrogen Dioxide levels.

·         It was suggested that greater focus should be given in the LTP to pedestrians to encourage a healthier lifestyle, encourage walking as a leisure activity and to reduce reliance on the car.  This would help reduce traffic congestion and assist with economic growth.

·         Communities interested in developing their own travel plans, that haven’t already been contacted, can contact the Transportation Team for advice.

·         The Council worked with ROSPA and local groups to promote ‘safer driving’.

·         While Hereford was the main market town it was suggested that greater emphasis could be given to the other market towns, particularly where future development may be based on Housing Market Areas.

·         It was suggested that the Department for Transport circular 1/2013 ‘setting local speed limits’ gave greater emphasis to speed management, 20 mph limits and 20 mph zones and this should be reflected in the LTP.

·         It was alleged that the City Link Road was over specified and therefore cost more than necessary. The Committee were advised that the project was at a detailed design stage and would include pedestrian links to the city centre. The local ward member would be invited to participate in considering the design specification.

·         Questioned on why the cycleway from the Wyevale Park and Cycle scheme would not now be completed the Committee were informed that priority was being given to schemes that emanate from the city centre. Unfortunately problems had emerged with this particular scheme.  Information on Park and Share Schemes was available on the web site. 

·         Responding to questions concerning parking charges the Committee were informed that charges needed to be seen as part of the overall transport system to ensure that they contributed to the strategic aims.  Town Councils also had to be involved at a local level to ensure local economic sustainability.


The Cabinet Member (Education and Infrastructure) and the Transportation Team were congratulates on a clear and forward thinking Local Transport Plan.



  1. The contents of the draft Local Transport Plan 2013/14 be noted; and
  2. It be recommended to Cabinet that:
    1. Greater emphasis be given in the LTP to Speed Management and the use of 20mph speed limits and 20mph zones; and

b.    Greater focus be given in the LTP to pedestrians to encourage a healthier lifestyle, leisure activities and reduced traffic.

Supporting documents: