Agenda item


Proposed new bungalow.


The application was approved contrary to the case officer’s recommendation.


The Senior Planning Officer gave a presentation on the application and updates / additional representations received following the publication of the agenda were provided in the update sheet.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mrs Grant, Chairman of Brockhampton with Much Fawley Parish Council, spoke in support of the application.


In accordance with paragraph of the Council’s Constitution, Councillor BA Durkin, the local ward member, commented on a number of issues, including:


·         The application would provide a much needed purpose built home for a family with severe medical needs.

·         Details were given of the chronic medical needs of Mr Hope and his daughter, both who were cared for by Mrs Hope on a full time basis.

·         Approving the application would keep the family together as well as reducing the burden on the Council to provide social care.

·         The local residents and parish council were in support of the application.

·         The proposed design had been improved considerably since the initial application was submitted through a number of discussions with the planning officer.

·         The dwelling would remain affordable in perpetuity, this was another advantage to the local community.


Members noted the sensitive nature of the application. They thanked the local ward member for giving them a thorough account of the circumstances that had led to the application being submitted.


Members noted that the application site was fairly isolated and that there were no issues of overlooking. They also felt that approving the application would not have an adverse impact on the landscape.


They were keen to ensure that the proposed dwelling remained affordable in perpetuity and recommended that a Section 106 agreement be completed as part of the application to ensure this.


Members discussed the key policies of the Unitary Development Plan and they were of the opinion that the application was in accordance with policies H10, LA1 and LA2. Some members did have concerns that the application was contrary to the National Planning Policy Framework and requested clarification as to whether any of the existing ancillary buildings on the site could be converted. The Senior Planning Officer confirmed that this issue had been investigated with the applicant but that it was deemed that none of the buildings were suitable.


The Head of Neighbourhood Planning advised Members that the application was clearly contrary to policy but that it was the decision of the Committee as to whether they wished to make a departure from policy due to the applicants circumstances. He added that the Core Strategy would be formulated in the New Year and that this would give members the opportunity to ensure that suitable policies were contained within it.


Councillor Durkin was given the opportunity to close the debate. He reiterated his opening remarks and made no further comment.




THAT subject to completion of a section 106 obligation for ensuring the property remains affordable in perpetuity officers named in the Scheme of Delegation to Officers grant planning permission subject to any conditions noted in the report and subject to any further conditions considered necessary by officers.


Reasons for approval


It is considered that the provision for this local needs housing adjacent to the applicants existing accommodation will provide continuity and improve the conditions in which the applicants live in accordance with para 9 of the NPPF.


In addition the linking of the development to a Section 106 Agreement to ensure that the property remains an affordable dwelling in perpetuity will ensure the dwelling remains available for local people.


Whilst located within the AONB its siting within a group of dwellings ensures that its impact is therefore mitigated within the landscape. Accordingly the proposal is considered to be acceptable and compliant with policies H10, LA1 and LA2 of the HUDP.

Supporting documents: