Agenda item


Proposed residential redevelopment for five houses.


The application was approved in accordance with the case officer’s recommendation.


The Principal Planning Officer gave a presentation on the application and updates / additional representations received following the publication of the agenda were provided in the update sheet.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mr Gardiner, the applicant, spoke in support of his application.


In accordance with paragraph of the Council’s Constitution, Councillor JF Knipe, the local ward member; and Councillor DC Taylor, the neighbouring ward member, commented on a number of issues, including:


·         The Committee were thanked for attending the site visit.

·         The application affected the Stoney Street more than the Vallets ward that it fell within.

·         The neighbouring ward member requested that the road be bought up to an adoptable standard; that the number of dwellings be limited to 5 plus the existing one as well as the provision of street lighting.


Members discussed the application and concurred with the local ward member in respect of the requirement for adequate street lighting. They added that at the site inspection they had been reassured by the case officer that the road would be constructed to an adoptable standard, they requested that this be added to the recommendation as a condition. The Principal Planning Officer advised that this would be part of the adoption process which would be the subject of local consultation


Members discussed the requirement for the Council to demonstrate a five year housing supply under the remit of the National Planning Policy Framework. The Committee were of the opinion that the situation required clarification and requested that further work be undertaken away from the meeting to address their concerns. It was considered that the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny department should research the issue further.


In response to the points raised, the Principal Planning Officer confirmed that the road would be constructed to an adoptable standard and that the issue of lighting would be determined at the reserved matters stage. In response to a further question she confirmed that the telegraph pole was being relocated to address highway safety by ensuring that the visibility splay was not obstructed.


The Committee referred to the importance of retaining a mature oak tree at the entrance to the site and it was confirmed that this was the intention.


Councillors Knipe and Taylor were given the opportunity to close the debate. They reiterated their opening remarks and requested that the application be approved.




That outline planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1.         A02 Time limit for submission of reserved matters (1 year permission)         

2.         A03 Time limit for commencement (2 years - outline permission)


3.         A04 Approval of reserved matters


4.         A05 Plans and particulars of reserved matters


5.         B01 Development in accordance with the approved plans


6.         C01 Samples of external materials


7.         G11 Landscaping scheme – implementation


8.         G04 Protection of trees/hedgerows that are to be retained


9.         H18 On site roads - submission of details


10.       H27 Parking for site operatives


11.       I51 Details of slab levels


12.       I55 Site Waste Management


13.       I16 Restriction of hours during construction


14.       H21 Wheel washing


15.       I20 Scheme of surface water drainage


16.       L01 Foul/surface water drainage


17.       L02 No surface water to connect to public system


18.       L03 No drainage run-off to public system


19.       The recommendations set out in the ecologist’s reports dated July and August 2012 should be followed in relation to the identified protected species [bats, great crested newts etc], unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority. Prior to commencement of the development, a full working method statement based on up-to-date survey information should be submitted to and be approved in writing by the local planning authority, and the work shall be implemented as approved.


Prior to commencement of the development, a full habitat enhancement scheme should be submitted to and be approved in writing by the local planning authority, and the work shall be implemented as approved. This shall include provision for bats, nesting birds and planting of native species.


An appropriately qualified and experienced ecological clerk of works should be appointed (or consultant engaged in that capacity) to oversee the ecological mitigation work.




To ensure that all species are protected having regard to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 and Policies NC1, NC6 and NC7 of the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan.


To comply with Policies NC8 and NC9 of Herefordshire’s Unitary Development Plan in relation to Nature Conservation and Biodiversity and to meet the requirements of the NPPF and the NERC Act 2006


Reason for Approval


1.         Non Standard


The proposal fails to comply, in principle, with policy H7 of the UDP, however weight must be given to the National Planning Policy Framework that clearly identifies that where sites are considered to be sustainably located, and where they comply with other relevant policies, there should be a presumption in favour of sustainable development. The sites development accords with policies in relation to character of the area, highway safety, relationship with  neighbouring properties, landscape impact and drainage, namely polices DRI, DR2, DR3, LA2 H13 and H14 of the UDP. In conclusion, whilst the application would be contrary to Saved Policies of the UDP, the absence of a 5-year supply of housing land means that there are grounds to support this application and it is recommended for approval subject to conditions




1.         N11C - General

Supporting documents: