Agenda item


One Notice of Motion has been submitted for consideration by Council.




This Council notes that despite very difficult retail conditions, the decision delegated to the Director for Places & Communities to progress the Old Cattle Market retail development has been signed, enabling the development to proceed.


This Council recommends that:

(a)       Cabinet adopt a policy that includes no further relaxation of the restrictions that limit the developers of the Old Cattle Market site from approaching existing High Town retailers and that the list of named retailers that they cannot approach be shared confidentially with Group Leaders and the Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny to ensure policing of this policy.

(b)       That the appropriate Cabinet Member be requested to arrange for a revised retail impact assessment to be undertaken to understand the potential impact of the new development on Hereford’s historic retail area.

(c)       that the Leader be requested to arrange cross party talks to develop a comprehensive strategy to tackle issues arising out of the revised retail impact assessment detailed in (b) above.





Moved by Councillor MAF Hubbard and seconded by Councillor RI Matthews.


Councillor Hubbard addressed Council and made the following points:


·         In stating the historic city centre has an impact on the market towns the proposer of the motion stated that should a Member wish to amend the motion to reflect a cross county city centre, to ensure the market towns receive the same support, the proposer would be in agreement.

·         Council was reminded that it was originally stated that 80% of retail space would be developed with new stores and only 20% of retail space given to current retailers in the city centre. 

·         As the economy has worsened the restriction on retail space has been removed and replaced by a list of high town retailers that it was originally agreed developers would not approach.

·         Councillor Hubbard accepted there had been an issue of confidentiality and agreed to rule himself out with regards to recommendation (a) of the motion, which was to share the list of named retailers that could not be approached by developers.

·         The administration was planning a rapid expansion of the retail quarter at a time of economic crisis nationally and believed the administration should work on what was already in place in the city. 

·         There was a need for a well researched retail impact assessment to be carried out covering heritage, tourism and retail and develop a cross county strategy encompassing all the market towns to provide vision for the county.

·         Consideration should also be given to the rapid growth of internet shopping and to use what is already in the city to its best advantage.


The following points were made in debate.


·         Council must look to the sustainability of the city centre and ensure it is viable for generations to come.

·         Believe the points raised relate to the core strategy.

·         Important to ensure processes are in place to engage with the public and as much information as possible should be put in the public domain.

·         Proposed the notice of motion be amended, that Council accept points b) and c) and delete a) as it was not considered to be enforceable.  Councillor Edwards proposed the amendment to delete recommendation a).  This was accepted by Councillor Hubbard as the proposer.

·         It was felt that because internet shopping had risen so significantly Council should take stock of what was already in place and revitalise the city centre, particularly as a further dip in the economy was predicted.  Any analysis could be undertaken by Council officers and therefore, there was no requirement to engage consultants.

·         The Leader stated his support for Councillor Hubbard on recommendations b) and c) but stated the survey referred to had 4 been carried out and the information was available. 


It was proposed by Councillor Wilcox and seconded by Councillor Taylor that the motion be put to a vote and following a vote this was agreed.


Following a vote the motion was declared carried with:


For                   47

Against            3

Abstentions     0




a)       That the appropriate Cabinet Member be requested to arrange for a revised retail impact assessment to be undertaken to understand the potential impact of the new development on Hereford’s historic retail area;


b)       That the Leader be requested to arrange cross party talks to develop a comprehensive strategy to tackle issues arising out of the revised retail impact assessment detailed in a) above.