Agenda item


To consider an application for a new premises licence in respect of ‘The Royal Hall, Ledbury, HR8 2EY’.



The Regulatory Sub Committee was convened in order to determine an application for a new premises licence in respect of The Royal Hall, Ledbury. The application was submitted in accordance with Section 17 of the Licensing Act 2003.


The Chairman introduced the Members and Officers and asked any interested parties to introduce themselves. The following attendees were noted:


·         Miss Heaney (Applicant)

·         Mr Heaney (Supporting the Applicant)

·         Mr Hough (Representing Herefordshire Council Trading Standards)

·         Mr Spriggs (Representing Herefordshire Council Licensing Authority)

·         Mr Mooney (Representing West Mercia Police)

·         Mr Barnes (A Local Resident Speaking in Objection)

·         Mrs Hooley (A Local Resident Speaking in Objection)

·         Mrs Weller (A Local Resident Speaking in Objection)


The Chairman read out the introductory notes and requested that any extensions to the 10 minute time limit permitted for representations to be made. No requests were made.


The Licensing Manager presented her report and advised the Sub-Committee that the advertisement had been received and was accepted. She also advised that conditions had been agreed with the applicant and that the application was bought before the Sub-Committee solely as there were representations from neighbouring residents which had not been withdrawn.


Mr Mooney, representing West Mercia Police, addressed the Sub-Committee and advised that there had been no complaints to the police regarding crime, disorder or nuisance in respect of the Royal Hall. He added that it may be beneficial to add a further condition to limit use of the hall to pre-booked events only, he added that this had been discussed with the applicant who had indicated that she would be willing to accept such a condition.


Mr Hough, representing Herefordshire Council Trading Standards, addressed the Sub-Committee and advised that all conditions had been agreed with the applicant.


Mr Spriggs, representing Herefordshire Council Licensing Authority, made reference to his representation contained within the agenda pack. He advised that he had recommended a number of conditions had been agreed,


Mr Barnes, one of the neighbouring residents who had submitted a representation in respect of the application, noted that the police had not been called to the Royal Hall but requested confirmation as to whether they had been called to the adjoining hotel. Mr Mooney advised that the application related to the Hall and not the Hotel. Mr Mooney added that a number of Temporary Event Notices had been granted at the Royal Hall and that there had been no complaints received regarding these.


In response to a question, Mr Hough confirmed that the Risk Assessment regarding door staff would be undertaken and recorded by the applicant on an event by event basis.


In response to a further question regarding noise and antisocial behaviour, Mr Mooney confirmed that he had spoken to the local policing unit who had advised that there had been no issues at any of the previous events at the Royal Hall. The Licensing Manager advised that if there were incidents the local residents could request a review of the premises licence.


The three local residents who had attended the meeting were given the opportunity to address the Sub-Committee. They raised a number of issues, including:


·         They were concerned that the Royal Oak Hotel was not being taken into consideration in determining the application as the Royal Hall could only be accessed through the Hotel.

·         There had been issues with patrons drinking and smoking outside the Royal Oak Hotel previously.

·         Residents had reported patrons urinating against their properties.

·         Five neighbouring residents’ properties were within the hotel car park, they suffered greatly from disturbances from the premises.

·         Noise from music would be a concern.

·         A number of residents had their drives blocked due to the limited car parking provision at the premises.

·         Emergency services would have difficulty gaining access to the Royal Hall due to the issues with parking.

·         Three residents of Ledbury Park had made representations regarding noise issues from the Royal Oak Hotel.

·         One resident had limited access to his garden during events due to the noise.

·         Police presence in the area was extremely limited.


Mr and Miss Heaney, the applicant and her father, spoke in support of the application and raised a number of issues, including:


·         They apologised for the issues raised by residents of Ledbury Park and added that they were not aware of issues in that area.

·         Music in the bottom bar of the Royal Oak Hotel had now ceased following noise testing as a result of an earlier complaint.

·         The business was a family business and the support of the local residents was needed.

·         The Royal Hall would only be used for pre-booked events.

·         The intention was not to open a nightclub and the premises was not aimed at 18-20 year olds.

·         The intention was to host weddings and christenings and other family based events.

·         Would be willing to look at further measures to reduce the possibility of sound emanating from the premises.

·         The hall was initially purchased to add further bedrooms to the Hotel but after comments from the public it was deemed more appropriate to host events.

·         Would like to work closely with the local residents to address their concerns.


The Sub-Committee retired to make their decision. The Acting Principal Lawyer and the Democratic Services Officer retired with the Sub-Committee to offer legal and procedural advice.




THAT the application for a new premises licence for the Royal Hall, Ledbury, HR8 2EY, be granted subject to the following conditions:




·         CCTV will be provided in the form of a recordable system, capable of providing pictures of EVIDENTIAL QUALITY in all lighting conditions particularly facial recognition.


Cameras shall encompass all ingress and egress to the premises, fire exits, outside areas, and all areas where the sale/ supply of alcohol occurs.


Equipment MUST be maintained in good working order , be correctly time and date stamped , recordings MUST be kept in date order, numbered sequentially and kept for a period of 31 days and handed to Police on demand.


The Premises Licence Holder must ensure at all times a DPS or appointed member of staff is capable and competent at downloading CCTV footage in a recordable format EITHER DISC or VHS to the Police, an authorised Herefordshire Trading Standards Officer or the Local Authority on demand.


The Recording equipment and tapes/discs shall be kept in a secure environment under the control of the DPS or other responsible named individual. An operational daily log report must be maintained endorsed by signature, indicating the system has been checked and is compliant, in the event of any failings actions taken are to be recorded.


In the event of technical failure of the CCTV equipment the Premises Licence holder/DPS MUST report the failure to the Police on contact number 0300 333 3000 immediately.


·         An incident log must be kept at the premises, and made immediately available on request to an ‘authorised person’ (as defined by Section 13 of the Licensing Act 2003), an authorised Herefordshire Trading Standards Officer or the Police, which must record the following:


            (a) all crimes reported to the venue

            (b) all ejections of patrons

(c) any complaints received

            (d) any incidents of disorder

            (e) seizures of drugs or offensive weapons

(f) any faults in the CCTV system or searching equipment or scanning equipment

            (g) any refusal of the sale of alcohol

            (h) any visit by a relevant authority or emergency service


·         All bar staff engaged in the sale of alcohol to be trained in Responsible Alcohol Retailing to the minimum standard of BIIAB level 1 or any other training recognised and agreed with Trading Standards. (All existing staff shall be trained within one month of the date that this condition appears on this licence. All new staff shall be trained within one month of taking up employment. All staff shall be re-trained six monthly thereafter. Training records shall be kept on the premises which shall show the name of the training course attended, the date of the training, the name of the person undertaking the training and shall be produced to the police, an authorised Herefordshire Trading Standards Officer or an ‘authorised person’ (as defined by Section 13 of the Licensing Act 2003) on demand.


·         SIA door staff shall be used on a risk assessed basis. The risk assessment for each event shall be written down and shall be produced to the police or an ‘authorised person’ as defined by Section 13 of the Licensing Act 2003 on demand.


·         The Premises Licence Holder or DPS or a person nominated by them in writing for the purpose, shall maintain a register of door supervisors which shall be kept on the premises showing the names and addresses of the door supervisors, their badge numbers and shall be signed by the door supervisors as they commence and conclude duty.  The register shall be made available on demand for inspection by an authorised person or the Police.


·         The premises shall be an active member of the HAND Scheme (Pub Watch) while such a scheme or similar exists.


·         A ‘Pub Radio’ shall be held at the premises. The DPS will ensure that a responsible person: logs on at the control centre at the commencement of licensable activities and monitors the radio throughout the period which the premises are open for licensable activities. Any information likely to have an impact on any of the licensing objectives shall be transmitted on the radio immediately.




·         All staff shall wear clothing which identifies them as members of staff of the premises.


·         A HSE Compliant Industrial High Response First Aid Kit for 21-50 people shall be kept fully stocked at the premises and kept behind the bar. Such kit shall contain:


1 x Guidance Leaflet

60 x Washproof Plasters

6 x Eye Pads with Bandage

8 x Triangular Bandages

12 x Safety Pins

16 x Assorted Sterile Dressings

20 Moist Wipes

3 Pairs Disposable Gloves


·         All electrical wiring and distribution systems shall have a current electrical safety certificate signed off by a competent person whose name is shown within the Local Authority Building Control Part P Competent Persons Register ( The sign off certificate shall be produced to an ‘authorised person’ (as defined by Section 13 of the Licensing Act 2003) or Police on demand.


·         Any and all gas appliances (except cellar gas) used in the premises must be tested at least once a year and signed off by a competent person whose name appears within the current Gas Safety register (GSR). The sign off certificate shall be produced to an ‘authorised person’ (as defined by Section 13 of the Licensing Act 2003) or Police on demand.


·         The Licensed premises shall not be used for any exhibition, demonstration or performance of hypnotism unless the hypnotist has been licensed by the relevant Local Authority in England or Wales. Any performance must comply in accordance with any conditions attached to that licence.


·         All parts of the premises and all fixtures and fittings therein including seating, door fastenings, notices, floors, carpets and furniture shall be kept clean and maintained in good order.


·         The installation and use of laser beams, pyrotechnics or real flames, explosive or highly flammable or smoke producing agent, for any purpose shall not be permitted without prior notification to the Licensing Authority. Notification, together with a detailed description of the method of use, shall be made to the Licensing Authority not less than 14 days prior to the day on which the laser equipment is to be used.


·         The maximum permitted numbers of persons in the premises including staff shall not exceed the numbers set within the fire risk assessment for the premises.




·         All windows and external doors will be closed after 2200 hours except for immediate access and egress.


·         Noise or vibration shall not emanate from the premises so as to cause a nuisance.


·         The Premises Licence Holder or DPS or the responsible person must immediately comply with any request to adjust noise levels/ frequency spectra made by an ‘authorised person’ (as defined by Section 13 of the Licensing Act 2003) or the Police.


·         Where regulated entertainment is provided, the premises licence holder or DPS or a responsible person nominated by either in writing will monitor noise emanating from the premises at least every 60 minutes to ensure that no noise nuisance is being caused and where there is shall cause the noise to be reduced. A written record shall be kept on the premises detailing the name of the person carrying out the monitoring, the monitoring locations, the date and time and the result obtained. Such record shall be made available on demand of an ‘authorised person’ (as defined by Section 13 of the Licensing Act 2003) or police.


·         Prominent, clear and legible signage (in not less than 32 font bold) shall be displayed at all exits to the premises requesting the public to respect the needs of local residents and to leave the premises and the area quietly.


·         No external area at the premises shall be used after 23:00 hours.


·         The use of the Royal Hall is exclusively for pre-planned events.




·         No person under the age of 18 shall be permitted on the premises unless accompanied by an adult aged 21 or over.


·         The premises shall operate a Challenge 25 Policy. Such policy shall be written down and kept at the premises. The policy shall be produced on demand of an authorised person’ (as defined by Section 13 of the Licensing Act 2003) or the police. Prominent, clear and legible signage (in not less than 32 font bold) shall also be displayed at all entrances to the premises as well as at, at least one location behind any bar advertising the scheme operated.


·         No adult entertainment or services or activities must take place at the premises (Adult Entertainment includes, but is not restricted to, such entertainment or services which would generally include topless bar staff, striptease, lap-table, or pole-dancing, performances involving feigned violence or horrific incidents, feigned or actual sexual acts or fetishism, or entertainment involving strong and offensive language).


Supporting documents: