Agenda item


Three Notices of Motion have been submitted for consideration by Council.


Notice of Motion One


Submitted by Councillors: MAF Hubbard, EPJ Harvey, C Nicholls, S Michael, J Kenyon, MD Lloyd-Hayes, EMK Chave, A Hempton-Smith, FM Norman.


Under of the Constitution the undersigned move the motion below to address the critical local issue regarding the development of the Old Cattle Market.


On the morning of Wednesday 18 July the Member for Central Ward received some information regarding the retail development on the Old Cattle Market site from two separate sources that he considers to be reliable.  In isolation, each piece of information might not be considered as urgent, but when put together they create a picture that necessitates an urgent motion to Council.  The information was as follows:


1.      A meeting has been held between representatives of Hereford Futures and Stanhope at which Stanhope asserted that without access to further funds to “incentivise potential tenants” a final deal could not be resolved for the retail development.


2.      A senior executive of British Land with responsibility for negotiating progress on the retail development has asserted that as each day passes the likelihood of a deal being brokered becomes less and less likely due to the deteriorating economic climate under which the deal is being done.  Further, that if any development is to occur on the Old Cattle Market site, the remaining restrictions on the developers approaching existing High Town retailers will have to be lifted.




This Council resolves that:


(a)     there will be no further relaxation of the restrictions that limit the developers of the Old Cattle Market site from approaching existing High Town retailers and that the list of named retailers that they cannot approach be shared confidentially with Group Leaders and the Chairman of Overview and Scrutiny to ensure policing of this policy.


(b)     no further funding is made available from Herefordshire Council to the developer Stanhope for this project.


(c)     that cross party talks are immediately held to develop fall-back plans for the site should a deal not be forthcoming.


Notice of Motion Two


Submitted by Councillors: RI Matthews and TM James.


All Council Members, local businesses and the electorate we serve understand that the economy is showing little or no sign of sustained recovery, and further government funding cuts are anticipated over the coming months and years


The council has to make significant savings to protect vital front line services, and must carefully target any expenditure on economic development initiatives that achieve the best possible value for money with complete engagement of the existing business community.


At present, we have two unelected business boards in the form of Hereford Futures and the Enterprise Zone, with their own highly paid Chief Executives managing similar or almost identical organisations.  We also have the highly respected Hereford Business Board who give their services free and because they are local should have far more say in our economic future.


The Council therefore moves that an urgent review takes place to investigate the possibility of Hereford Futures and the Enterprise Zone being amalgamated to form a leaner and fitter organisation with the aim of obtaining considerable financial savings for the taxpayer, together with achieving a far more effective and efficient unit to deal with all issues of economic development throughout the county.


Notice of Motion Three


Submitted by Councillor RB Hamilton


That this Council resolve:


1          to embrace its new responsibilities for public health in accordance with the Health and Social Care Act 2012 that takes effect from 1 April 2013 by demonstrating its leadership as an exemplar employer, and


2          to make a clear commitment to the health and well-being of its staff, volunteers and their families through the introduction of support to adopt healthy lifestyles.



Notice of Motion One – Development of the old Cattle Market Site


Submitted by Councillors: MAF Hubbard, EPJ Harvey, C Nicholls, S Michael, J Kenyon, MD Lloyd-Hayes, EMK Chave, A Hempton-Smith, and FM Norman.


Councillor Hubbard proposed the Notice of Motion.  After consultation with the Monitoring Officer the Chairman ruled the Notice of Motion out of order.


Councillor Hubbard accepted the ruling of the Chairman but stated that the Notice of Motion had been registered in July and any concerns should have been raised at that stage.  Members of Council accepted there were concerns with the Notice of Motion but agreed that any concerns should have been raised prior to the agenda being published. 



Notice of Motion Two – Investigation of Possible Amalgamation of Hereford Futures and the Enterprise Zone.


Proposed by Councillor RI Matthews and seconded by Councillor TM James


Councillor Matthews addressed Council and advised that the Cabinet Member Enterprise and Culture, had altered the final paragraph of the original motion before Council, which was agreed by Councillors: Matthews and James.


Altered Final Paragraph:

That a full review take place regarding the Council’s support to economic development and enterprise including the funding of Hereford Futures, the Economic Development team, Local Enterprise Partnership, Hereford Business Board, Enterprise Zone and any other relevant bodies with the aim of obtaining considerable financial savings for the taxpayer, achieving a far more effective and appropriate structure to deliver the County’s economic priorities.


The following comments were made in debate:


·         A Councillor expressed concern that the amendment might have lost the meaning from original motion.  The Cabinet Member had been asked to visit Ledbury in order to implement the economic strategy in in the town, as it had significant industry along with young people and families, good road and rail links and broadband in the town.

·         The IOC Group Leader stated the focus seemed to be on Hereford City, which appeared too dominant compared to the market towns, and believed there needed to be an organisation which served the County as a whole.  This comment was supported by other Members.

·         The Leader stated the purpose was to look after business across the county and it was important to ensure everything was in place to carry this out.

·         Members expressed concerns about what was happening in the city centre, the fact that there were a number of empty shops and that shop owners and the public were not being kept informed or seeing any benefit regarding the proposals for the city centre.

·         The Cabinet Member spoke in support of the motion stating Herefordshire’s economy was based on small and medium sized businesses, which would support the economy of the County.  Greater focus on EU funding and refocusing on what businesses wanted and what support they could expect to receive was also needed.


Councillor Matthews stated he was delighted with the cross party support for the notice of motion and moved the motion.




That a full review take place regarding the Council’s support to economic development and enterprise including the funding of Hereford Futures, the Economic Development team, Local Enterprise Partnership, Hereford Business Board, Enterprise Zone and any other relevant bodies with the aim of obtaining considerable financial savings for the taxpayer, achieving a far more effective and appropriate structure to deliver the County’s economic priorities.



Notice of Motion Three – Commitment to the Introduction of Support to Staff, Volunteers and Families to Adopt Healthy Lifestyles


Submitted by Councillor RB Hamilton and seconded by Councillor PM Morgan


Councillor Hamilton proposed the notice of motion as outlined in the agenda stating the success of the County depended on having a healthy, committed, focused and well-motivated workforce.


Councillor GJ Powell proposed an amendment to the motion, which was seconded by Councillor Edwards.


Amendment to Motion:

To make a clear commitment to active travel arrangements across the County using the Council’s public health role to promote and fund sustainable forms of active travel across the County.


In debate the following points were made:


·         Councillor Hamilton supported the amendment.

·         It was stated that it was important to remember that rural communities relied on vehicles to get around and provide support to elderly residents.

·         In supporting the motion it was asked that pressure was put on supermarkets to promote healthy lifestyles.

·         Councillor Robertson, as a Council representative on the Sports Council, supported the motion and proposed that the Council have a sports champion to promote health and sport.

·         In supporting the comments on community transport in rural areas, it was stated footpaths and bridleways equally needed to be maintained for community use.


The Cabinet Member Education and Infrastructure stated there were a number of ways of making travel by bus easier, which included being able to take a bike onto a bus for a part cycle part bus journey.  The comments on footpaths and bridleways were also noted.


It was moved and seconded that the amended motion be now put.




To make a clear commitment to active travel arrangements across the County using the Council’s public health role to promote and fund sustainable forms of active travel across the County.